Source code for dae.annotation.debug_annotator

from typing import Any

from dae.annotation.annotatable import Annotatable
from dae.annotation.annotation_config import AnnotatorInfo, AttributeInfo
from dae.annotation.annotation_pipeline import (

[docs] class HelloWorldAnnotator(Annotator): """Defines example annotator.""" def __init__(self, pipeline: AnnotationPipeline, info: AnnotatorInfo): super().__init__(pipeline, info)
[docs] def annotate( self, annotatable: Annotatable | None, # noqa: ARG002 context: dict[str, Any], # noqa: ARG002 ) -> dict[str, Any]: result = {} for attribute_config in self._info.attributes: assert attribute_config.source == "hi" result[] = "hello world" return result
[docs] def build_annotator(pipeline: AnnotationPipeline, info: AnnotatorInfo) -> Annotator: """Create an example hello world annotator.""" if not info.attributes: info.attributes = [AttributeInfo( "hi", "hi", internal=False, parameters={})] for attribute_info in info.attributes: if attribute_info.source != "hi": raise ValueError(f"The {info.type} does not provide the source " f"{attribute_info.source}. The only source " "provided is 'hi'") attribute_info.type = "str" attribute_info.description = \ "The attribute 'hi' has as constant value of 'hello world.'" return HelloWorldAnnotator(pipeline, info)