Source code for dae.gene_sets.denovo_gene_set_helpers

import logging
import os

import box

from dae.gene_sets.denovo_gene_set_collection import DenovoGeneSetCollection
from import GenotypeData

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class DenovoGeneSetHelpers: """Helper functions for creation of denovo gene sets."""
[docs] @staticmethod def denovo_gene_set_cache_file( config: box.Box, person_set_collection_id: str = "", ) -> str: """Return the path to the cache file for a person set collection.""" return os.path.join( config.conf_dir, "denovo-cache-" + person_set_collection_id + ".json", )
[docs] @classmethod def load_collection( cls, study: GenotypeData, ) -> DenovoGeneSetCollection | None: """Load a denovo gene set collection for a given study.""" dgsc = DenovoGeneSetCollection.create_empty_collection(study) if dgsc is None: "No denovo gene set collection for %s", study.study_id) return None cache_dir = study.config.conf_dir dgsc.load(cache_dir) return dgsc
[docs] @classmethod def build_collection( cls, genotype_data_study: GenotypeData, ) -> DenovoGeneSetCollection | None: """Build a denovo gene set collection for a study and save it.""" dgsc = DenovoGeneSetCollection.build_collection( genotype_data_study, ) if dgsc is None: return None cache_dir = genotype_data_study.config.conf_dir return dgsc