Source code for dae.genomic_resources

from typing import Callable, Optional

from importlib_metadata import EntryPoint, entry_points

from .repository import GenomicResource
from .repository_factory import build_genomic_resource_repository
from .resource_implementation import GenomicResourceImplementation


    str, Callable[[GenomicResource], GenomicResourceImplementation]] = {}

__all__ = [


[docs] def get_resource_implementation_builder( resource_type: str, ) -> Callable[[GenomicResource], GenomicResourceImplementation] | None: """ Return an implementation builder for a certain resource type. If the builder is not registered, then it will search for an entry point in the found implementations list. If an entry point is found, it will be loaded and registered and returned. """ if resource_type not in _REGISTERED_RESOURCE_IMPLEMENTATIONS: if resource_type not in _FOUND_RESOURCE_IMPLEMENTATIONS: return None entry_point = _FOUND_RESOURCE_IMPLEMENTATIONS[resource_type] loaded = entry_point.load() register_implementation(resource_type, loaded) return _REGISTERED_RESOURCE_IMPLEMENTATIONS[resource_type]
def register_implementation( resource_type: str, builder: Callable[[GenomicResource], GenomicResourceImplementation], ) -> None: """ Register a resource type with a given builder function. The builder has to be a builder function which takes a genomic resource and returns a ready to use implementation. The type is the type of resource to which this builder will be mapped. This is usually the "type" field in the resource's config. """ _REGISTERED_RESOURCE_IMPLEMENTATIONS[resource_type] = builder def _find_implementations() -> None: """ Find and record implementations specified in entry points. This will record all implementations specified in the of the project. The implementations are stored as entry points and will be loaded and registered later on demand to avoid cyclic imports. """ # pylint: disable=global-statement global _IMPLEMENTATIONS_LOADED if _IMPLEMENTATIONS_LOADED: return discovered_implementations = entry_points( group="dae.genomic_resources.implementations", ) for entry_point in discovered_implementations: _FOUND_RESOURCE_IMPLEMENTATIONS[] = entry_point _IMPLEMENTATIONS_LOADED = True def _load_plugins() -> None: # pylint: disable=global-statement global _PLUGINS_LOADED if _PLUGINS_LOADED: return discovered_plugins = entry_points(group="dae.genomic_resources.plugins") for plugin in discovered_plugins: plugin.load()() _PLUGINS_LOADED = True _load_plugins() _find_implementations()