Source code for dae.gpf_instance.gpf_instance

"""Defines GPFInstance class that gives access to different parts of GPF."""
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, cast

import yaml
from box import Box

from dae.annotation.annotation_factory import (
from dae.annotation.annotation_pipeline import AnnotationPipeline
from dae.common_reports.common_report import CommonReport
from dae.configuration.gpf_config_parser import GPFConfigParser
from dae.configuration.schemas.dae_conf import dae_conf_schema
from dae.configuration.schemas.gene_profile import gene_profiles_config
from dae.enrichment_tool.enrichment_builder import (
from dae.enrichment_tool.enrichment_helper import EnrichmentHelper
from dae.gene_profile.db import GeneProfileDB
from dae.gene_profile.statistic import GPStatistic
from dae.gene_scores.gene_scores import GeneScore
from dae.gene_scores.gene_scores import ScoreDesc as GeneScoreDesc
from dae.gene_sets.denovo_gene_sets_db import DenovoGeneSetsDb
from dae.gene_sets.gene_sets_db import (
from dae.genomic_resources.gene_models import GeneModels, TranscriptModel
from dae.genomic_resources.reference_genome import ReferenceGenome
from dae.genomic_resources.repository import GenomicResourceRepo
from dae.genomic_scores.scores import GenomicScoresRegistry
from dae.pheno.pheno_data import PhenotypeData, get_pheno_db_dir
from dae.pheno.registry import PhenoRegistry
from dae.pheno_tool.pheno_tool_adapter import (
from dae.pheno_tool.tool import PhenoTool, PhenoToolHelper
from import GenotypeData
from dae.studies.variants_db import VariantsDb
from dae.utils.fs_utils import find_directory_with_a_file

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class GPFInstance: """Class to access different parts of a GPF instance.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods @staticmethod def _build_gpf_config( config_filename: str | Path | None = None, ) -> tuple[Box, Path]: dae_dir: Path | None if config_filename is not None: config_filename = Path(config_filename) dae_dir = config_filename.parent else: if os.environ.get("DAE_DB_DIR"): dae_dir = Path(os.environ["DAE_DB_DIR"]) config_filename = Path(dae_dir) / "gpf_instance.yaml" else: dae_dir = find_directory_with_a_file("gpf_instance.yaml") if dae_dir is None: raise ValueError("unable to locate GPF instance directory") config_filename = dae_dir / "gpf_instance.yaml" assert config_filename is not None if not config_filename.exists(): raise ValueError( f"GPF instance config <{config_filename}> does not exists") dae_config = GPFConfigParser.load_config( str(config_filename), dae_conf_schema) return dae_config, dae_dir
[docs] @staticmethod def build( config_filename: str | Path | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> GPFInstance: """Construct and return a GPF instance. If the config_filename is None, tries to discover the GPF instance. First check if a DAE_DB_DIR environment variable is defined and if defined use it as a GPF instance directory. Otherwise look for a gpf_instance.yaml file in the current directory and its parents. If found use it as a configuration file. """ dae_config, dae_dir = GPFInstance._build_gpf_config(config_filename) return GPFInstance(dae_config, dae_dir, **kwargs)
def __init__( self, dae_config: Box, dae_dir: str | Path, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]): assert dae_dir is not None self.dae_config = dae_config self.dae_dir = str(dae_dir) self.instance_id = self.dae_config.get("instance_id") assert self.instance_id is not None, "No instance ID provided." self._grr = cast(GenomicResourceRepo, kwargs.get("grr")) self._reference_genome = cast( ReferenceGenome, kwargs.get("reference_genome"), ) self._gene_models = cast( GeneModels, kwargs.get("gene_models"), ) self._enrichment_builders: dict[str, BaseEnrichmentBuilder] = {} self._pheno_tool_adapters: dict[str, PhenoToolAdapterBase] = {} self._annotation_pipeline: AnnotationPipeline | None = None self.enrichment_helper = EnrichmentHelper(self.grr)
[docs] def load(self) -> GPFInstance: """Load all GPF instance attributes.""" # pylint: disable=pointless-statement self.reference_genome # noqa: B018 self.gene_models # noqa: B018 self.gene_sets_db # noqa: B018 self._pheno_registry # noqa: B018 self._variants_db # noqa: B018 self.denovo_gene_sets_db # noqa: B018 self.genomic_scores # noqa: B018 self.genotype_storages # noqa: B018 return self
@cached_property def grr(self) -> GenomicResourceRepo: """Return genomic resource repository configured for GPF instance.""" if self._grr is not None: return self._grr # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from dae.genomic_resources import build_genomic_resource_repository if self.dae_config.grr: self._grr = build_genomic_resource_repository( self.dae_config.grr.to_dict()) return self._grr self._grr = build_genomic_resource_repository() return self._grr @cached_property def reference_genome(self) -> ReferenceGenome: """Return reference genome defined in the GPFInstance config.""" if self._reference_genome is not None: return self._reference_genome # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from dae.genomic_resources.reference_genome import ( build_reference_genome_from_resource, ) resource = self.grr.get_resource( self.dae_config.reference_genome.resource_id) result = build_reference_genome_from_resource(resource) return result @cached_property def gene_models(self) -> GeneModels: """Return gene models used in the GPF instance.""" if self._gene_models is not None: return self._gene_models # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from dae.genomic_resources.gene_models import ( build_gene_models_from_resource, ) resource = self.grr.get_resource( self.dae_config.gene_models.resource_id) assert resource is not None, \ self.dae_config.gene_models.resource_id result = build_gene_models_from_resource(resource) result.load() return result
[docs] def get_transcript_models( self, gene_symbol: str, ) -> tuple[str | None, list[TranscriptModel] | None]: """Get gene model by gene symbol.""" gene_symbol = gene_symbol.lower() gene_models = self.gene_models.gene_models for k, v in gene_models.items(): if gene_symbol == k.lower(): return k, v return None, None
@cached_property def _pheno_registry(self) -> PhenoRegistry: pheno_data_dir = get_pheno_db_dir(self.dae_config) registry = PhenoRegistry()"pheno registry created: %s", id(registry)) pheno_configs = GPFConfigParser.collect_directory_configs( pheno_data_dir, ) pheno_groups_config: Path | None = None with PhenoRegistry.CACHE_LOCK: for config in pheno_configs: config_path = Path(config) if config_path.stem == "groups": # Groups file should be loaded at the end pheno_groups_config = config_path continue"loading phenotype data from config: %s", config) registry.register_phenotype_data( PhenoRegistry.load_pheno_data(config_path), lock=False, ) if pheno_groups_config: print("Loading groups") for group in PhenoRegistry.load_pheno_groups( pheno_groups_config, registry, ): registry.register_phenotype_data(group, lock=False) return registry @cached_property def gene_scores_db(self) -> Any: """Load and return gene scores db.""" from dae.gene_scores.gene_scores import ( GeneScoresDb, build_gene_score_from_resource, ) if self.dae_config.gene_scores_db is None: return GeneScoresDb([]) gene_scores = self.dae_config.gene_scores_db.gene_scores collections = [] for score in gene_scores: resource = self.grr.get_resource(score) if resource is None: logger.error("unable to find gene score: %s", score) continue collections.append(build_gene_score_from_resource(resource)) return GeneScoresDb(collections) @cached_property def genomic_scores(self) -> GenomicScoresRegistry: """Load and return genomic scores db.""" pipeline = self.get_annotation_pipeline() return GenomicScoresRegistry.build_genomic_scores_registry(pipeline) @cached_property def genotype_storages(self) -> Any: """Construct and return genotype storage registry.""" # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from dae.genotype_storage.genotype_storage_registry import ( GenotypeStorageRegistry, ) registry = GenotypeStorageRegistry() internal_storage = registry.register_storage_config({ "id": "internal", "storage_type": "inmemory", "dir": os.path.join(self.dae_dir, "internal_storage"), }) registry.register_default_storage(internal_storage) if self.dae_config.genotype_storage: registry.register_storages_configs( self.dae_config.genotype_storage) return registry @cached_property def _variants_db(self) -> VariantsDb: return VariantsDb( self.dae_config, self.reference_genome, self.gene_models, self.genotype_storages, ) @cached_property def _gene_profile_db(self) -> GeneProfileDB: config = None if self._gene_profile_config is None else\ self._gene_profile_config.to_dict() return GeneProfileDB( config, os.path.join(self.dae_dir, "gpdb"), )
[docs] def reload(self) -> None: """Reload GPF instance studies, de Novo gene sets, etc.""" self._variants_db.reload() self.denovo_gene_sets_db.reload()
@cached_property def _gene_profile_config(self) -> Box | None: gp_config = self.dae_config.gene_profiles_config config_filename = None if gp_config is None: config_filename = os.path.join( self.dae_dir, "geneProfiles.yaml") if not os.path.exists(config_filename): return None else: if not os.path.exists(gp_config.conf_file): return None config_filename = gp_config.conf_file assert config_filename is not None return GPFConfigParser.load_config( config_filename, gene_profiles_config, ) @cached_property def gene_sets_db(self) -> GeneSetsDb: """Return GeneSetsDb populated with gene sets from the GPFInstance.""" logger.debug("creating new instance of GeneSetsDb") if "gene_sets_db" in self.dae_config: gsc_ids = self.dae_config.gene_sets_db.gene_set_collections gscs = [] for gsc_id in gsc_ids: resource = self.grr.get_resource(gsc_id) if resource is None: logger.error("can't find resource %s", gsc_id) continue gscs.append( build_gene_set_collection_from_resource(resource), ) return GeneSetsDb(gscs) logger.debug("No gene sets DB configured") return GeneSetsDb([]) @cached_property def denovo_gene_sets_db(self) -> DenovoGeneSetsDb: return DenovoGeneSetsDb(self)
[docs] def get_genotype_data_ids(self) -> list[str]: # pylint: disable=unused-argument return cast(list[str], ( self._variants_db.get_all_genotype_study_ids() + self._variants_db.get_all_genotype_group_ids() ))
[docs] def get_genotype_data(self, genotype_data_id: str) -> GenotypeData: genotype_data_study = self._variants_db.get_genotype_study( genotype_data_id) if genotype_data_study: return genotype_data_study return cast( GenotypeData, self._variants_db.get_genotype_group(genotype_data_id), )
[docs] def get_all_genotype_data(self) -> list[GenotypeData]: genotype_studies = self._variants_db.get_all_genotype_studies() genotype_data_groups = self._variants_db.get_all_genotype_groups() return cast( list[GenotypeData], genotype_studies + genotype_data_groups, )
[docs] def get_genotype_data_config(self, genotype_data_id: str) -> Box | None: config = self._variants_db.get_genotype_study_config(genotype_data_id) if config is not None: return config return cast(Box, self._variants_db.get_genotype_group_config( genotype_data_id, ))
[docs] def register_genotype_data(self, genotype_data: GenotypeData) -> None: self._variants_db.register_genotype_data(genotype_data)
[docs] def unregister_genotype_data(self, genotype_data: GenotypeData) -> None: self._variants_db.unregister_genotype_data(genotype_data)
# Phenotype data
[docs] def get_phenotype_data_ids(self) -> list[str]: return self._pheno_registry.get_phenotype_data_ids()
[docs] def has_phenotype_data( self, phenotype_data_id: str, ) -> bool: return self._pheno_registry.has_phenotype_data(phenotype_data_id)
[docs] def get_phenotype_data( self, phenotype_data_id: str, ) -> PhenotypeData: return self._pheno_registry.get_phenotype_data(phenotype_data_id)
[docs] def get_all_phenotype_data(self) -> list[PhenotypeData]: return self._pheno_registry.get_all_phenotype_data()
[docs] def get_phenotype_data_config( self, phenotype_data_id: str, ) -> Box | None: return self._pheno_registry.get_phenotype_data_config( phenotype_data_id)
# Gene scores
[docs] def has_gene_score(self, gene_score_id: str) -> bool: return gene_score_id in self.gene_scores_db
[docs] def get_gene_score(self, gene_score_id: str) -> GeneScore: return cast( GeneScore, self.gene_scores_db.get_gene_score(gene_score_id), )
[docs] def get_gene_score_desc(self, score_id: str) -> GeneScoreDesc: return cast( GeneScoreDesc, self.gene_scores_db.get_score_desc(score_id), )
[docs] def get_all_gene_scores(self) -> list[GeneScore]: return cast(list[GeneScore], self.gene_scores_db.get_gene_scores())
[docs] def get_all_gene_score_descs(self) -> list[GeneScoreDesc]: return cast(list[GeneScoreDesc], self.gene_scores_db.get_scores())
# Common reports
[docs] def get_common_report(self, study_id: str) -> CommonReport | None: """Load and return common report (dataset statistics) for a study.""" study = self.get_genotype_data(study_id) if study is None: return None return study.get_common_report()
[docs] def get_all_common_report_configs(self) -> list[Box]: """Return all common report configuration.""" configs = [] local_ids = self.get_genotype_data_ids() for gd_id in local_ids: config = self.get_genotype_data_config(gd_id) if config is not None and config.common_report is not None: configs.append(config.common_report) return configs
# Variants DB
[docs] def get_dataset(self, dataset_id: str) -> GenotypeData: return cast(GenotypeData, self._variants_db.get(dataset_id))
# GP
[docs] def get_gp_configuration(self) -> Box: return cast(Box, self._gene_profile_db.configuration)
[docs] def get_gp_statistic(self, gene_symbol: str) -> GPStatistic: return cast( GPStatistic, self._gene_profile_db.get_gp(gene_symbol), )
[docs] def query_gp_statistics( self, page: int, symbol_like: str | None = None, sort_by: str | None = None, order: str | None = None, ) -> list[GPStatistic]: """Query AGR statistics and return results.""" rows = self._gene_profile_db.query_gps( page, symbol_like, sort_by, order, ) statistics = list(map( self._gene_profile_db.gp_from_table_row, rows, )) return cast(list[GPStatistic], statistics)
[docs] def list_gp_gene_symbols( self, page: int, symbol_like: str | None = None, ) -> list[str]: """Query AGR statistics and return results.""" return self._gene_profile_db.list_symbols( page, symbol_like, )
def _construct_import_effect_annotator_config( self, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Construct import effect annotator.""" genome = self.reference_genome gene_models = self.gene_models return { "effect_annotator": { "genome": genome.resource_id, "gene_models": gene_models.resource_id, "attributes": [ { "source": "allele_effects", "name": "allele_effects", "internal": True, }, "worst_effect", "gene_effects", "effect_details", ], }, }
[docs] def get_annotation_pipeline_config(self) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: """Return the annotation pipeline config.""" pipeline_config = [] if self.dae_config.annotation is not None: config_filename = self.dae_config.annotation.conf_file if not os.path.exists(config_filename): raise ValueError( f"annotation config file not found: {config_filename}") with open(config_filename, "rt", encoding="utf8") as infile: pipeline_config = yaml.safe_load( pipeline_config.insert( 0, self._construct_import_effect_annotator_config()) return pipeline_config
[docs] def get_annotation_pipeline(self) -> AnnotationPipeline: """Return the annotation pipeline configured in the GPF instance.""" if self._annotation_pipeline is None: pipeline_config = self.get_annotation_pipeline_config() pipeline = build_annotation_pipeline(pipeline_config, self.grr) self._annotation_pipeline = pipeline return self._annotation_pipeline
[docs] def register_enrichment_builder( self, dataset_id: str, builder: BaseEnrichmentBuilder, ) -> None: """Register a new enrichment builder to a given dataset ID.""" if dataset_id in self._enrichment_builders: raise ValueError( f"Enrichment builder for {dataset_id} already registered!", ) self._enrichment_builders[dataset_id] = builder
[docs] def make_enrichment_builder( self, dataset: GenotypeData, ) -> EnrichmentBuilder: return EnrichmentBuilder(self.enrichment_helper, dataset)
[docs] def get_enrichment_builder( self, dataset: GenotypeData, ) -> BaseEnrichmentBuilder: """ Get enrichment builder for specific dataset. Will create and register new one if one isn't found. """ if dataset.study_id not in self._enrichment_builders: self.register_enrichment_builder( dataset.study_id, self.make_enrichment_builder(dataset), ) return self._enrichment_builders[dataset.study_id]
[docs] def register_pheno_tool_adapter( self, dataset_id: str, adapter: PhenoToolAdapterBase, ) -> None: """Register a new enrichment builder to a given dataset ID.""" if dataset_id in self._pheno_tool_adapters: raise ValueError( f"Pheno tool adapter for {dataset_id} already registered!", ) self._pheno_tool_adapters[dataset_id] = adapter
[docs] def make_pheno_tool_adapter( self, dataset: GenotypeData, ) -> PhenoToolAdapterBase: """Create a pheno tool adapter for dataset.""" if dataset.config.phenotype_data is None \ or dataset.config.phenotype_data == "": raise ValueError( f"{dataset.study_id} has no phenotype data " "configured!", ) phenotype_data_id = dataset.config.phenotype_data phenotype_data_ids = self.get_phenotype_data_ids() if phenotype_data_id not in phenotype_data_ids: raise KeyError( f"Phenotype data {phenotype_data_id} " "found in registry!\n" f"Available phenotype datas: {phenotype_data_ids}", ) phenotype_data = self.get_phenotype_data(phenotype_data_id) helper = PhenoToolHelper( dataset, phenotype_data, ) tool = PhenoTool(helper.phenotype_data) return PhenoToolAdapter(tool, helper)
[docs] def get_pheno_tool_adapter( self, dataset: GenotypeData, ) -> PhenoToolAdapterBase: """ Get enrichment builder for specific dataset. Will create and register new one if one isn't found. """ if dataset.study_id not in self._pheno_tool_adapters: self.register_pheno_tool_adapter( dataset.study_id, self.make_pheno_tool_adapter(dataset), ) return self._pheno_tool_adapters[dataset.study_id]
def _verify_study_annotation(self) -> None: canonical = set(self.get_annotation_pipeline().get_info()) for study in self._variants_db.get_all_genotype_studies(): storage = self.genotype_storages.get_genotype_storage(, ) backend = study.backend if storage.storage_type == "duckdb_parquet": raw = backend.fetch_annotation() elif storage.storage_type == "parquet": raw = backend.loader.meta["annotation_pipeline"] else: return raw = raw.strip() annotation = load_pipeline_from_yaml(raw, self.grr) if raw else None if annotation is None: return new_infos = set(annotation.get_info()) if new_infos != canonical: logger.error("Study %s has invalid annotation!",