Source code for dae.parquet.schema2.serializers

import functools
import logging
import operator
from itertools import starmap
from typing import Any, ClassVar

import pyarrow as pa

from dae.annotation.annotation_pipeline import AttributeInfo
from dae.variants.attributes import (
from dae.variants.core import Allele
from dae.variants.family_variant import FamilyAllele
from dae.variants.variant import SummaryAllele

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class AlleleParquetSerializer: """Serialize a bunch of alleles.""" SUMMARY_ALLELE_BASE_SCHEMA: ClassVar[dict[str, Any]] = { "bucket_index": pa.int32(), "summary_index": pa.int32(), "allele_index": pa.int32(), "sj_index": pa.int64(), "chromosome": pa.string(), "position": pa.int32(), "end_position": pa.int32(), "effect_gene": pa.list_( pa.struct([ pa.field("effect_gene_symbols", pa.string()), pa.field("effect_types", pa.string()), ]), ), "variant_type": pa.int8(), "transmission_type": pa.int8(), "reference": pa.string(), "af_allele_count": pa.int32(), "af_allele_freq": pa.float32(), "af_parents_called_count": pa.int32(), "af_parents_called_percent": pa.float32(), "seen_as_denovo": pa.bool_(), "seen_in_status": pa.int8(), "family_variants_count": pa.int32(), "family_alleles_count": pa.int32(), } FAMILY_ALLELE_BASE_SCHEMA: ClassVar[dict[str, Any]] = { "bucket_index": pa.int32(), "summary_index": pa.int32(), "allele_index": pa.int32(), "sj_index": pa.int64(), "family_index": pa.int32(), "family_id": pa.string(), "is_denovo": pa.int8(), "allele_in_sexes": pa.int8(), "allele_in_statuses": pa.int8(), "allele_in_roles": pa.int32(), "inheritance_in_members": pa.int16(), "allele_in_members": pa.list_(pa.string()), } ENUM_PROPERTIES: ClassVar[dict[str, Any]] = { "variant_type": Allele.Type, "transmission_type": TransmissionType, "allele_in_sexes": Sex, "allele_in_roles": Role, "allele_in_statuses": Status, "inheritance_in_members": Inheritance, } def __init__( self, annotation_schema: list[AttributeInfo], extra_attributes: list[str] | None = None, ) -> None: self.annotation_schema = annotation_schema self._schema_summary = None self._schema_family = None self.extra_attributes = [] if extra_attributes: for attribute_name in extra_attributes: self.extra_attributes.append(attribute_name) @property def schema_summary(self) -> pa.Schema: """Lazy construct and return the schema for the summary alleles.""" if self._schema_summary is None: self._schema_summary = self.build_summary_schema( self.annotation_schema, ) return self._schema_summary
[docs] @classmethod def build_summary_schema( cls, annotation_schema: list[AttributeInfo], ) -> pa.Schema: """Build the schema for the summary alleles.""" fields = list(starmap(pa.field, cls.SUMMARY_ALLELE_BASE_SCHEMA.items())) fields.append(pa.field("summary_variant_data", pa.binary())) annotation_type_to_pa_type = { "float": pa.float32(), "int": pa.int32(), "str": pa.string(), } if annotation_schema is not None: for attr in annotation_schema: if attr.internal: continue if attr.type in annotation_type_to_pa_type: fields.append( pa.field(, annotation_type_to_pa_type[attr.type], ), ) return pa.schema(fields)
@property def schema_family(self) -> pa.Schema: """Lazy construct and return the schema for the family alleles.""" if self._schema_family is None: self._schema_family = self.build_family_schema() return self._schema_family
[docs] @classmethod def build_family_schema(cls) -> pa.Schema: """Build the schema for the family alleles.""" fields = list(starmap(pa.field, cls.FAMILY_ALLELE_BASE_SCHEMA.items())) fields.append(pa.field("family_variant_data", pa.binary())) return pa.schema(fields)
def _get_searchable_prop_value( self, allele: SummaryAllele | FamilyAllele, spr: str, ) -> Any: prop_value = getattr(allele, spr, None) if prop_value is None: prop_value = allele.get_attribute(spr) if prop_value and spr in self.ENUM_PROPERTIES: if isinstance(prop_value, list): prop_value = functools.reduce( operator.or_, [enum.value for enum in prop_value if enum is not None], 0, ) else: prop_value = prop_value.value return prop_value
[docs] def build_family_allele_batch_dict( self, allele: FamilyAllele, family_variant_data: bytes, ) -> dict[str, list[Any]]: """Build a batch of family allele data in the form of a dict.""" family_header = [] family_properties = [] for spr in self.FAMILY_ALLELE_BASE_SCHEMA: prop_value = self._get_searchable_prop_value(allele, spr) family_header.append(spr) family_properties.append(prop_value) assert family_header[-1] == "allele_in_members" family_properties[-1] = [v for v in family_properties[-1] if v] allele_data: dict[str, list] = { name: [] for name in self.schema_family.names } for name, value in zip( family_header, family_properties, strict=True): allele_data[name].append(value) allele_data["family_variant_data"] = [family_variant_data] return allele_data
[docs] def build_summary_allele_batch_dict( self, allele: SummaryAllele, summary_variant_data: bytes, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Build a batch of summary allele data in the form of a dict.""" allele_data = {"summary_variant_data": summary_variant_data} for spr in self.SUMMARY_ALLELE_BASE_SCHEMA: if spr == "effect_gene": if allele.effect_types is None: assert allele.effect_gene_symbols is None prop_value = [ {"effect_types": None, "effect_gene_symbols": None}, ] else: prop_value = [ {"effect_types": e[0], "effect_gene_symbols": e[1]} for e in zip( allele.effect_types, allele.effect_gene_symbols, strict=True, ) ] else: prop_value = self._get_searchable_prop_value(allele, spr) allele_data[spr] = prop_value # type: ignore if self.annotation_schema is not None: for attr in self.annotation_schema: if attr.internal: continue allele_data[] = allele.get_attribute( return allele_data