Source code for dae.pedigrees.drawing

"""Classes and helpers for drawing pedigrees into a PDF file."""

import math
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, List, Tuple

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.path import Path

from import Person
from dae.pedigrees.layout import IndividualWithCoordinates, Layout, Point
from dae.variants.attributes import Role, Sex, Status


[docs] class PDFLayoutDrawer: """Helper class for producing PDF file with multiple pedigrees.""" def __init__(self, filename: str) -> None: self._filename = filename self.pdf: PdfPages | None = None def __enter__(self) -> PdfPages: self.pdf = PdfPages(self._filename) return self.pdf
[docs] def add_page( self, figure: Figure, title: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Add a new page to the PDF file.""" assert self.pdf is not None if title: figure.text(0.5, 0.9, title, horizontalalignment="center") self.pdf.savefig(figure) plt.close(figure)
def __exit__( self, exc_type: None, exc_value: None, exc_traceback: None, ) -> None: if self.pdf is not None: self.pdf.close() self.pdf = None
[docs] class OffsetLayoutDrawer: """Class drawing a family pedigree using a prebuild family layout.""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods GAP = 2.0 def __init__( self, layouts: List[Layout], x_offset: int = 0, y_offset: int = 0, show_family: bool = False, ) -> None: assert layouts is not None self._x_offset = x_offset self._y_offset = y_offset self._gap = self.GAP self._layouts = deepcopy(layouts) self._layouts_vertical_inverse() # for layout in self._layouts: # layout.scale(0.5) self.show_family = show_family self.figsize = (7, 10) def _layouts_vertical_inverse(self) -> None: highest_y = max( max(i.y for level in layout.positions for i in level) + 10 for layout in self._layouts ) for layout in self._layouts: for level in layout.positions: for individual in level: individual.y = highest_y - individual.y for line in layout.lines: line.y1 = highest_y - line.y1 + layout.positions[0][0].size line.y2 = highest_y - line.y2 + layout.positions[0][0].size
[docs] def draw( self, figure: Figure | None = None, title: str | None = None, tags: set[str] | None = None, ) -> Figure: """Draw family pedigree.""" if figure is None: figure = plt.figure(figsize=self.figsize) pedigree_axes_rect = (0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.6) if self.show_family: pedigree_axes_rect = (0.1, 0.35, 0.8, 0.55) ax_pedigree = figure.add_axes(pedigree_axes_rect) ax_pedigree.axis("off") ax_pedigree.set_aspect( aspect="equal", adjustable="datalim", anchor="C", ) ax_pedigree.autoscale_view() for layout in self._layouts: self._draw_lines(ax_pedigree, layout) self._draw_rounded_lines(ax_pedigree, layout) self._draw_members(ax_pedigree, layout) if tags: tags_label = "\n".join(sorted(tags)) props = {"boxstyle": "round", "facecolor": "wheat", "alpha": 0.5} ax_pedigree.text( 0.99, 0.01, tags_label, transform=ax_pedigree.transAxes, fontsize=5, verticalalignment="bottom", horizontalalignment="right", bbox=props) ax_pedigree.plot() if self.show_family: ax_family = figure.add_axes((0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.3)) ax_family.axis("off") ax_family.set_aspect( aspect="equal", adjustable="datalim", anchor="C", ) ax_family.autoscale_view() family: list[Person] = [ member.individual.member for layout in self._layouts for layer in layout.positions for member in layer if member.individual.member is not None ] self._draw_family_table(ax_family, family) ax_family.plot() if title: self._draw_title(figure, title) return figure
def _draw_lines(self, axes: Axes, layout: Layout) -> None: for line in layout.lines: if not line.curved: axes.add_line( mlines.Line2D( [line.x1 + self._x_offset, line.x2 + self._x_offset], [line.y1 + self._y_offset, line.y2 + self._y_offset], color="black", ), ) def _draw_rounded_lines(self, axes: Axes, layout: Layout) -> None: def elementwise_sum( x_pos: tuple[float, float], y_pos: tuple[float, float], ) -> tuple[float, float]: return (x_pos[0] + y_pos[0], x_pos[1] + y_pos[1]) for line in layout.lines: if line.curved: offset = (self._x_offset, self._y_offset) verts = [ elementwise_sum(line.curve_p0(), offset), elementwise_sum(line.curve_p1(), offset), elementwise_sum(line.curve_p2(), offset), elementwise_sum(line.curve_p3(), offset), ] codes = [Path.MOVETO, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4, Path.CURVE4] path = Path(verts, codes) axes.add_patch(mpatches.PathPatch(path, facecolor="none")) @staticmethod def _infer_individual_color(individual: IndividualWithCoordinates) -> str: member = individual.individual.member assert member is not None if member.generated or member.not_sequenced: return "grey" if member.status == Status.unaffected: return "white" if member.status == Status.affected: return "red" return "purple" def _draw_male_individual( self, axes: Axes, individual: IndividualWithCoordinates, color: str, ) -> Tuple[Point, Point]: coords = [ individual.x + self._x_offset, individual.y + self._y_offset, ] axes.add_patch( mpatches.Rectangle( coords, individual.size, individual.size, facecolor=color, edgecolor="black", ), ) center_x = coords[0] + individual.size / 2.0 center_y = coords[1] + individual.size / 2.0 dlx = coords[0] dly = coords[1] return Point(center_x, center_y), Point(dlx, dly) def _draw_female_individual( self, axes: Axes, individual: IndividualWithCoordinates, color: str, ) -> tuple[Point, Point]: coords = [ individual.x_center + self._x_offset, individual.y_center + self._y_offset, ] axes.add_patch( mpatches.Circle( coords, individual.size / 2, facecolor=color, edgecolor="black", ), ) center_x = coords[0] center_y = coords[1] dlx = coords[0] + (individual.size / 2.0) * math.cos( math.radians(225), ) dly = coords[1] + (individual.size / 2.0) * math.sin( math.radians(225), ) return Point(center_x, center_y), Point(dlx, dly) def _draw_unspecified_sex_individual( self, axes: Axes, individual: IndividualWithCoordinates, color: str, ) -> tuple[Point, Point]: size = math.sqrt((individual.size ** 2) / 2) coords = [ individual.x + self._x_offset + (individual.size / 2), individual.y + self._y_offset, ] axes.add_patch( mpatches.Rectangle( coords, size, size, facecolor=color, edgecolor="black", angle=45.0, ), ) center_x = coords[0] center_y = coords[1] + individual.size / 2.0 dlx = coords[0] - individual.size / 4 dly = coords[1] + individual.size / 4 return Point(center_x, center_y), Point(dlx, dly) def _draw_individual( self, axes: Axes, individual: IndividualWithCoordinates, ) -> None: individual_color = self._infer_individual_color(individual) member = individual.individual.member assert member is not None if Sex.from_name( == Sex.male: # type: ignore center, bottom_left = self._draw_male_individual( axes, individual, individual_color) elif Sex.from_name( == Sex.female: # type: ignore center, bottom_left = self._draw_female_individual( axes, individual, individual_color) else: center, bottom_left = self._draw_unspecified_sex_individual( axes, individual, individual_color) member = individual.individual.member assert member is not None if member.role == Role.prb: axes.add_patch( mpatches.FancyArrow( bottom_left.x - self._gap, bottom_left.y - self._gap, self._gap, self._gap, length_includes_head=True, color="black", head_width=1.0, linewidth=0.1, ), ) axes.annotate( member.person_id, (center.x, center.y), color="black", weight="bold", fontsize=5, ha="center", va="center", ) def _draw_members( self, axes: Axes, layout: Layout, ) -> None: for level in layout.positions: for individual in level: self._draw_individual(axes, individual) @staticmethod def _draw_family_table( axes: Axes, family: list[Person], ) -> None: col_labels = [ "familyId", "individualId", "father", "mother", "sex", "status", "role", "layout", "generated", "not_sequenced", ] table_vals = [] for member in family: table_vals.append( [ member.family_id, member.person_id, member.dad_id, member.mom_id, Sex.from_name(, # type: ignore member.status, member.role, member.layout, "G" if member.generated else "", "N" if member.not_sequenced else "", ], ) axes.table = plt.table( cellText=table_vals, colLabels=col_labels, loc="center", ) @staticmethod def _draw_title( figure: Figure, title: str, x_pos: float = 0.5, y_pos: float = 0.9, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: figure.text( x_pos, y_pos, title, horizontalalignment="center", **kwargs)