"""Defines classes representing individuals and families."""
from __future__ import annotations
import enum
import logging
from collections.abc import Iterable
from typing import Any, cast
from dae.utils.helpers import isnan
from dae.variants.attributes import Role, Sex, Status
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"family": "family_id",
"person": "person_id",
"mother": "mom_id",
"father": "dad_id",
"sex": "sex",
"status": "status",
"role": "role",
"sample id": "sample_id",
"layout": "layout",
"generated": "generated",
"proband": "proband",
"not_sequenced": "not_sequenced",
"missing": "missing",
class FamilyTag(enum.IntEnum):
"""Enumeration of all available family tags."""
NUCLEAR = enum.auto()
QUAD = enum.auto()
TRIO = enum.auto()
SIMPLEX = enum.auto()
MULTIPLEX = enum.auto()
CONTROL = enum.auto()
AFFECTED_DAD = enum.auto()
AFFECTED_MOM = enum.auto()
AFFECTED_PRB = enum.auto()
AFFECTED_SIB = enum.auto()
UNAFFECTED_DAD = enum.auto()
UNAFFECTED_MOM = enum.auto()
UNAFFECTED_PRB = enum.auto()
UNAFFECTED_SIB = enum.auto()
MALE_PRB = enum.auto()
FEMALE_PRB = enum.auto()
MISSING_MOM = enum.auto()
MISSING_DAD = enum.auto()
def label(self) -> str:
return _TAG2LABEL[self]
def from_label(label: str) -> FamilyTag:
return _LABEL2TAG[label]
def all_labels() -> Iterable[str]:
return _LABEL2TAG.keys()
"tag_nuclear_family": FamilyTag.NUCLEAR,
"tag_quad_family": FamilyTag.QUAD,
"tag_trio_family": FamilyTag.TRIO,
"tag_simplex_family": FamilyTag.SIMPLEX,
"tag_multiplex_family": FamilyTag.MULTIPLEX,
"tag_control_family": FamilyTag.CONTROL,
"tag_affected_dad_family": FamilyTag.AFFECTED_DAD,
"tag_affected_mom_family": FamilyTag.AFFECTED_MOM,
"tag_affected_prb_family": FamilyTag.AFFECTED_PRB,
"tag_affected_sib_family": FamilyTag.AFFECTED_SIB,
"tag_unaffected_dad_family": FamilyTag.UNAFFECTED_DAD,
"tag_unaffected_mom_family": FamilyTag.UNAFFECTED_MOM,
"tag_unaffected_prb_family": FamilyTag.UNAFFECTED_PRB,
"tag_unaffected_sib_family": FamilyTag.UNAFFECTED_SIB,
"tag_male_prb_family": FamilyTag.MALE_PRB,
"tag_female_prb_family": FamilyTag.FEMALE_PRB,
"tag_missing_mom_family": FamilyTag.MISSING_MOM,
"tag_missing_dad_family": FamilyTag.MISSING_DAD,
FamilyTag.NUCLEAR: "tag_nuclear_family",
FamilyTag.QUAD: "tag_quad_family",
FamilyTag.TRIO: "tag_trio_family",
FamilyTag.SIMPLEX: "tag_simplex_family",
FamilyTag.MULTIPLEX: "tag_multiplex_family",
FamilyTag.CONTROL: "tag_control_family",
FamilyTag.AFFECTED_DAD: "tag_affected_dad_family",
FamilyTag.AFFECTED_MOM: "tag_affected_mom_family",
FamilyTag.AFFECTED_PRB: "tag_affected_prb_family",
FamilyTag.AFFECTED_SIB: "tag_affected_sib_family",
FamilyTag.UNAFFECTED_DAD: "tag_unaffected_dad_family",
FamilyTag.UNAFFECTED_MOM: "tag_unaffected_mom_family",
FamilyTag.UNAFFECTED_PRB: "tag_unaffected_prb_family",
FamilyTag.UNAFFECTED_SIB: "tag_unaffected_sib_family",
FamilyTag.MALE_PRB: "tag_male_prb_family",
FamilyTag.FEMALE_PRB: "tag_female_prb_family",
FamilyTag.MISSING_MOM: "tag_missing_mom_family",
FamilyTag.MISSING_DAD: "tag_missing_dad_family",
class Person:
"""Class to represent an individual."""
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
def __init__(self, **attributes: Any):
tags = {
tag: attributes.get(tag.label, False)
for tag in ALL_FAMILY_TAGS
self._attributes = {
key: value
for key, value in attributes.items()
self._tags: set[FamilyTag] = set()
for tag, tag_value in tags.items():
if isinstance(tag_value, bool) and tag_value:
if tag_value == "True":
def redefine(self) -> None:
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
"""Extract attributes and turns them into properties."""
self.family_id: str = self._attributes["family_id"]
self.person_id: str = self._attributes["person_id"]
self.fpid: tuple[str, str] = (self.family_id, self.person_id)
self.family: Family | None = None
self.sample_id: str = self._attributes.get("sample_id", self.person_id)
self._sex = Sex.from_name(self._attributes["sex"])
if "role" not in self._attributes:
self._role = None
self._role = Role.from_name(self._attributes.get("role"))
self._status = Status.from_name(self._attributes["status"])
self._attributes["sex"] = self._sex
self._attributes["role"] = self._role
self._attributes["status"] = self._status
self.mom_id = self.get_attr("mom_id")
if self.mom_id == "0":
self.mom_id = None
self._attributes["mom_id"] = None
self.dad_id = self.get_attr("dad_id")
if self.dad_id == "0":
self.dad_id = None
self._attributes["dad_id"] = None
self.mom: Person | None = None
self.dad: Person | None = None
assert self.mom_id is None or isinstance(self.mom_id, str), \
(self, self._attributes)
assert self.dad_id is None or isinstance(self.dad_id, str), \
(self, self._attributes)
if self._attributes.get("not_sequenced"):
value = self._attributes.get("not_sequenced")
if value in {"None", "0", "False"}:
self._attributes["not_sequenced"] = None
if self._attributes.get("generated"):
value = self._attributes.get("generated")
if value in {True, "True", "1", "yes"}:
self._attributes["generated"] = True
self._attributes["generated"] = False
if self._attributes.get("missing"):
value = self._attributes.get("missing")
if value in {True, "True", "1", "yes"}:
self._attributes["missing"] = True
self._attributes["missing"] = None
def __repr__(self) -> str:
decorator = ""
if self.generated:
decorator = "[G] "
elif self.not_sequenced:
decorator = "[N] "
return (
f"Person({decorator}{self.person_id} ({self.family_id}); "
f"{self.role}; {self.sex}, {self.status})"
def to_json(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {
"family_id": self.family_id,
"person_id": self.person_id,
"dad_id": self.dad_id,
"mom_id": self.mom_id,
"sample_id": self.sample_id,
"member_index": self.member_index,
"sex": str(self.sex),
"role": str(self.role),
"status": str(self.status),
"layout": self.layout,
"generated": self.generated,
"family_bin": self.family_bin,
"not_sequenced": self.not_sequenced,
"missing": self.missing,
def member_index(self) -> int:
return int(self._attributes.get("member_index", -1))
def role(self) -> Role | None:
return self._role
def sex(self) -> Sex:
return self._sex
def status(self) -> Status:
return self._status
def layout(self) -> str | None:
return cast(str | None, self._attributes.get("layout", None))
def generated(self) -> bool:
return cast(bool, self._attributes.get("generated", False))
def not_sequenced(self) -> bool:
return self.generated or \
self._attributes.get("not_sequenced", False)
def missing(self) -> bool:
return bool(
self.generated or self.not_sequenced
or self._attributes.get("missing", False))
def family_bin(self) -> int | None:
return cast(int | None, self._attributes.get("family_bin", None))
def sample_index(self) -> int | None:
return cast(int | None, self._attributes.get("sample_index", None))
def has_mom(self) -> bool:
return self.mom is not None
def has_dad(self) -> bool:
return self.dad is not None
def has_parent(self) -> bool:
return self.has_dad() or self.has_mom()
def has_both_parents(self) -> bool:
return self.has_dad() and self.has_mom()
def has_missing_parent(self) -> bool:
if self.dad is None or self.mom is None:
return True
assert self.dad is not None
assert self.mom is not None
return self.dad.missing or self.mom.missing
def is_child(self) -> bool:
return not self.missing \
and self.has_both_parents() \
and not self.has_missing_parent()
def is_parent(self) -> bool:
return not self.missing \
and (self.dad is None or self.dad.missing) \
and (self.mom is None or self.mom.missing)
def has_no_parent(self) -> bool:
return self.dad is None or self.mom is None
def has_attr(self, key: str) -> bool:
return key in self._attributes
def get_attr(self, key: str, default: Any = None) -> Any:
res = self._attributes.get(key, default)
if isinstance(res, float) and isnan(res):
return None
return res
def set_attr(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None:
self._attributes[key] = value
def set_tag(self, tag: FamilyTag) -> None:
def unset_tag(self, tag: FamilyTag) -> None:
if tag in self._tags:
def has_tag(self, tag: FamilyTag) -> bool:
return tag in self._tags
def all_tag_labels(self) -> dict[str, bool]:
return {tag.label: self.has_tag(tag) for tag in ALL_FAMILY_TAGS}
def tags(self) -> set[FamilyTag]:
return self._tags
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Person):
return False
return self.person_id == other.person_id and \
self.family_id == other.family_id and \
self.sex == other.sex and \
self.role == other.role and \
self.status == other.status and \
self.mom_id == other.mom_id and \
self.dad_id == other.dad_id and \
self.generated == other.generated and \
self.not_sequenced == other.not_sequenced
def diff(self, other: Any) -> list:
"""Collect difference between two individuals."""
result = []
if self.family_id != other.family_id:
f"{self} family_id: {self.family_id} != {other.family_id}")
if self.person_id != other.person_id:
f"{self} person_id: {self.person_id} != {other.person_id}")
if self.mom_id != other.mom_id:
f"{self} mom_id: {self.mom_id} != {other.mom_id}")
if self.dad_id != other.dad_id:
f"{self} dad_id: {self.dad_id} != {other.dad_id}")
if self.sex != other.sex:
f"{self} sex: {self.sex} != {other.sex}")
if self.role != other.role:
f"{self} role: {self.role} != {other.role}")
if self.status != other.status:
f"{self} status: {self.status} != {other.status}")
if self.generated != other.generated:
f"{self} generated: {self.generated} != {other.generated}")
if self.not_sequenced != other.not_sequenced:
f"{self} not_sequenced: "
f"{self.not_sequenced} != {other.not_sequenced}")
return result
def get_pedigree_column_names(column_names: set[str]) -> list[str]:
"""Produce pedigree columns given available person or family attributes."""
columns = [
for col in PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES.values()
if col in column_names
tag_label for tag_label in _LABEL2TAG
extention_columns = column_names.difference(set(columns))
extention_columns = extention_columns.difference(
return columns
class Family:
"""Defines class to represent a family."""
def __init__(self, family_id: str):
self.family_id = family_id
self.persons: dict[str, Person] = {}
self._samples_index: tuple[int | None, ...] | None = None
self._members_in_order: list[Person] | None = None
self._trios: dict[str, tuple[str, str, str]] | None = None
self._tags: set[FamilyTag] = set()
def set_tag(self, tag: FamilyTag) -> None:
def unset_tag(self, tag: FamilyTag) -> None:
if tag in self._tags:
def tags(self) -> set[FamilyTag]:
return self._tags
def tag_labels(self) -> set[str]:
return {tag.label for tag in self._tags}
def _connect_family(self) -> None:
index = 0
for member in self.persons.values():
member.family = self
member.mom = self.get_member(member.mom_id)
member.dad = self.get_member(member.dad_id)
if member.missing:
member.set_attr("member_index", -1)
member.set_attr("member_index", index)
index += 1
def from_persons(persons: list[Person]) -> Family:
"""Create a family from list of persons."""
assert len(persons) > 0
assert all(persons[0].family_id == p.family_id for p in persons)
family_id = persons[0].family_id
family = Family(family_id)
for index, person in enumerate(persons):
person.set_attr("member_index", index)
if person.person_id in family.persons:
raise ValueError(
f"multiple person with the same person id "
f"{person.person_id} in family {family_id}")
family.persons[person.person_id] = person
family._tags |= person.tags # noqa: SLF001
# pylint: disable=protected-access
family._connect_family() # noqa: SLF001
assert all(p.family is not None for p in family.persons.values())
return family
def from_records(records: dict) -> Family:
persons = []
for rec in records:
person = Person(**rec)
return Family.from_persons(persons)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.members_in_order)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"Family({self.family_id}, {list(self.persons.values())})"
def to_json(self) -> dict:
return {
"family_id": self.family_id,
"person_ids": self.members_ids,
"samples_index": self._samples_index,
"family_type": "other", # deprecated
"tags": {tag.label for tag in self.tags},
def get_columns(self) -> list[str]:
"""Collect list of columns for representing a family as data frame."""
column_names = set(
self.members_in_order[0] # noqa: SLF001
return get_pedigree_column_names(column_names)
def add_members(self, persons: list[Person]) -> None:
assert all(isinstance(p, Person) for p in persons)
assert all(p.family_id == self.family_id for p in persons)
for person in persons:
self.persons[person.person_id] = person
def redefine(self) -> None:
self._members_in_order = None
self._trios = None
self._samples_index = None
def full_members(self) -> list[Person]:
return list(self.persons.values())
def members_in_order(self) -> list[Person]:
"""Return list of family members in the order of definition."""
if self._members_in_order is None:
self._members_in_order = list(
lambda m: not m.missing,
return self._members_in_order
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, Family):
return False
if len(self.persons) != len(other.persons):
return False
for person in self.persons.values():
other_person = other.persons.get(person.person_id)
if person != other_person:
return False
return True
def has_members(self) -> bool:
return len(self.members_in_order) > 0
def members_ids(self) -> list[str]:
return [m.person_id for m in self.members_in_order]
def trios(self) -> dict[str, tuple[str, str, str]]:
"""Split family into list of trios - child, mom and dad."""
if self._trios is None:
self._trios = {}
members = {m.person_id: m for m in self.members_in_order}
for pid, person in list(members.items()):
if person.mom_id in members and person.dad_id in members:
self._trios[pid] = (pid, person.mom_id, person.dad_id)
return self._trios
def samples_index(self) -> tuple[int | None, ...]:
if self._samples_index is None:
self._samples_index = tuple(
m.sample_index for m in self.members_in_order)
return self._samples_index
def members_index(
self, person_ids: Iterable[str],
) -> list[int]:
return [
for pid in person_ids]
def get_member(
self, person_id: str,
) -> Person | None:
return self.persons.get(person_id, None)
def get_members_with_roles(
self, roles: list[str | Role],
) -> list[Person]:
if not isinstance(roles[0], Role):
assert all(isinstance(role, str) for role in roles)
roles = [Role.from_name(role) for role in roles] # type: ignore
return list(filter(lambda m: m.role in roles, self.members_in_order))
def get_members_with_statuses(
self, statuses: list[Status],
) -> list[Person]:
if not isinstance(statuses[0], Status):
statuses = [Status.from_name(status) for status in statuses]
return list(
filter(lambda m: m.status in statuses, self.members_in_order),