Source code for dae.pedigrees.loader

"""Loader for pedigree files."""

import argparse
import logging
import operator
import pathlib
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from import Callable
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, TextIO

import pandas as pd

from dae.pedigrees.families_data import FamiliesData, tag_families_data
from import (
from dae.pedigrees.family_role_builder import FamilyRoleBuilder
from dae.pedigrees.layout import Layout
from dae.utils.helpers import str2bool
from dae.variants.attributes import Role, Sex, Status
from dae.variants_loaders.raw.loader import CLIArgument, CLILoader

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


PedigreeIO = str | pathlib.Path | TextIO  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs] class FamiliesLoader(CLILoader): """Pedigree files loader.""" def __init__(self, families_filename: PedigreeIO, **params: Any): super().__init__(params=params) self.filename = families_filename self.file_format = self.params.get("ped_file_format", "pedigree")
[docs] @staticmethod def load_pedigree_file( pedigree_filename: PedigreeIO, pedigree_params: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> FamiliesData: """Load a pedigree files and return FamiliesData object.""" if pedigree_params is None: pedigree_params = {} ped_df = FamiliesLoader.flexible_pedigree_read( pedigree_filename, **pedigree_params, ) return FamiliesLoader.build_families_data_from_pedigree( ped_df, pedigree_params)
[docs] @staticmethod def build_families_data_from_pedigree( ped_df: pd.DataFrame, pedigree_params: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> FamiliesData: """Build a families data object from a pedigree data frame.""" if pedigree_params is None: pedigree_params = {} pedigree_params["ped_no_role"] = str2bool( pedigree_params.get("ped_no_role", False), ) pedigree_params["ped_no_header"] = str2bool( pedigree_params.get("ped_no_header", False), ) pedigree_params["ped_tags"] = str2bool( pedigree_params.get("ped_tags", False), ) families = FamiliesData.from_pedigree_df(ped_df) FamiliesLoader._build_families_layouts(families, pedigree_params) FamiliesLoader._build_families_roles(families, pedigree_params) FamiliesLoader._build_families_tags(families, pedigree_params) return families
@staticmethod def _build_families_tags( families: FamiliesData, pedigree_params: dict[str, Any], ) -> None: ped_tags = pedigree_params.get("ped_tags", False) if not ped_tags: return tag_families_data(families) @staticmethod def _build_families_layouts( families: FamiliesData, pedigree_params: dict[str, Any], ) -> None: ped_layout_mode = pedigree_params.get("ped_layout_mode", "load") if ped_layout_mode == "generate": for family in families.values(): logger.debug( "building layout for family: %s; %s", family.family_id, family) layouts = Layout.from_family(family) for layout in layouts: layout.apply_to_family(family) elif ped_layout_mode == "load": pass else: raise ValueError( f"unexpected `--ped-layout-mode` option value " f"`{ped_layout_mode}`", ) @staticmethod def _build_families_roles( families: FamiliesData, pedigree_params: dict[str, Any], ) -> None: has_unknown_roles = any( p.role is None # or p.role == Role.unknown for p in families.persons.values()) if has_unknown_roles or pedigree_params.get("ped_no_role"): for family in families.values(): logger.debug("building family roles: %s", family.family_id) role_build = FamilyRoleBuilder(family) role_build.build_roles() families._ped_df = None # noqa: SLF001
[docs] def load(self) -> FamiliesData: if self.file_format == "simple": return self.load_simple_families_file(self.filename) assert self.file_format == "pedigree" return self.load_pedigree_file( self.filename, pedigree_params=self.params, )
@classmethod def _arguments(cls) -> list[CLIArgument]: return [ CLIArgument( "families", value_type=str, metavar="<families filename>", help_text="families filename in pedigree or simple family " "format", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-family", default_value="familyId", help_text="specify the name of the column in the pedigree" " file that holds the ID of the family the person belongs to" " [default: %(default)s]", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-person", default_value="personId", help_text="specify the name of the column in the pedigree" " file that holds the person's ID [default: %(default)s]", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-mom", default_value="momId", help_text="specify the name of the column in the pedigree" " file that holds the ID of the person's mother" " [default: %(default)s]", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-dad", default_value="dadId", help_text="specify the name of the column in the pedigree" " file that holds the ID of the person's father" " [default: %(default)s]", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-sex", default_value="sex", help_text="specify the name of the column in the pedigree" " file that holds the sex of the person [default: %(default)s]", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-status", default_value="status", help_text="specify the name of the column in the pedigree" " file that holds the status of the person" " [default: %(default)s]", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-role", default_value="role", help_text="specify the name of the column in the pedigree" " file that holds the role of the person" " [default: %(default)s]", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-no-role", action="store_true", default_value=False, help_text="indicates that the provided pedigree file has no " "role " "column. If this argument is provided, the import tool will " "guess " "the roles of individuals and write them in a 'role' column.", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-proband", default_value=None, help_text="specify the name of the column in the pedigree" " file that specifies persons with role `proband`;" " this columns is used only when" " option `--ped-no-role` is specified. [default: %(default)s]", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-tags", action="store_true", destination="ped_tags", default_value=True, help_text="when specified each family will be tagged with " "a number of predeined tags [default: %(default)s]", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-no-tags", action="store_false", destination="ped_tags", default_value=True, help_text="when specified tagging of families is disabled " "[default: %(default)s]", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-no-header", action="store_true", default_value=False, help_text="indicates that the provided pedigree" " file has no header. The pedigree column arguments" " will accept indices if this argument is given." " [default: %(default)s]", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-file-format", default_value="pedigree", help_text="Families file format. It should `pedigree` or " "`simple` " "for simple family format [default: %(default)s]", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-layout-mode", default_value="generate", help_text="Layout mode specifies how pedigrees " "drawing of each family is handled." " Available options are `generate` and `load`. When " "layout mode option is set to generate the loader" "tryes to generate a layout for the family pedigree. " "When `load` is specified, the loader tries to load the layout " "from the layout column of the pedigree. " "[default: %(default)s]", ), CLIArgument( "--ped-sep", default_value="\t", raw=True, help_text="Families file field separator [default: `\\t`]", ), ]
[docs] @classmethod def parse_cli_arguments( cls, argv: argparse.Namespace, *, use_defaults: bool = False, ) -> tuple[list[str], dict[str, Any]]: filename = argv.families super().parse_cli_arguments(argv, use_defaults=use_defaults) ped_ped_args = [ "ped_family", "ped_person", "ped_mom", "ped_dad", "ped_sex", "ped_status", "ped_role", "ped_file_format", "ped_sep", "ped_proband", "ped_layout_mode", "ped_tags", ] columns = { "ped_family", "ped_person", "ped_mom", "ped_dad", "ped_sex", "ped_status", "ped_role", "ped_proband", } assert argv.ped_file_format in ("simple", "pedigree") assert argv.ped_layout_mode in ("generate", "load") res = {} res["ped_no_header"] = str2bool(argv.ped_no_header) res["ped_no_role"] = str2bool(argv.ped_no_role) for col in ped_ped_args: ped_value = getattr(argv, col) if not res["ped_no_header"] or col not in columns: res[col] = ped_value elif ped_value is not None and col in columns: res[col] = int(ped_value) return [filename], res
@staticmethod def _produce_header_from_indices(**kwargs: Any) -> tuple[str, ...]: header = ( (kwargs.get("ped_family"), PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["family"]), (kwargs.get("ped_person"), PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["person"]), (kwargs.get("ped_mom"), PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["mother"]), (kwargs.get("ped_dad"), PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["father"]), (kwargs.get("ped_sex"), PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["sex"]), (kwargs.get("ped_status"), PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["status"]), (kwargs.get("ped_role"), PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["role"]), (kwargs.get("ped_proband"), PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["proband"]), (kwargs.get("ped_layout"), PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["layout"]), (kwargs.get("ped_generated"), PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["generated"]), (kwargs.get("ped_not_sequenced"), PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["not_sequenced"]), (kwargs.get("ped_sample_id"), PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["sample id"]), ) header = tuple( # type: ignore filter(lambda col: isinstance(col[0], int), header)) for col in header: assert isinstance(col[0], int), col[0] header = tuple(sorted(header, key=operator.itemgetter(0))) # type: ignore _, file_header = zip(*header, strict=True) return file_header
[docs] @staticmethod def flexible_pedigree_read( pedigree_filepath: PedigreeIO, *, ped_sep: str = "\t", ped_no_header: bool = False, ped_no_role: bool = False, ped_family: str | int = "familyId", ped_person: str | int = "personId", ped_mom: str | int = "momId", ped_dad: str | int = "dadId", ped_sex: str | int = "sex", ped_status: str | int = "status", ped_role: str | int = "role", ped_proband: str | int = "proband", ped_layout: str | int = "layout", ped_generated: str | int = "generated", ped_not_sequenced: str | int = "not_sequenced", ped_sample_id: str | int = "sample_id", enums_as_values: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, # noqa: ARG004 ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read a pedigree from file.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals,unused-argument if isinstance(ped_no_role, str): ped_no_role = str2bool(ped_no_role) if isinstance(ped_no_header, str): ped_no_header = str2bool(ped_no_header) converters: dict[str | int, Callable[[str], Any]] = { ped_generated: str2bool, ped_not_sequenced: str2bool, ped_proband: str2bool, } if enums_as_values: converters.update({ ped_role: Role.to_value, ped_sex: Sex.to_value, ped_status: Status.to_value, }) else: converters.update({ ped_role: Role.from_name, ped_sex: Sex.from_name, ped_status: Status.from_name, }) converters.update(dict.fromkeys(ALL_FAMILY_TAG_LABELS, str2bool)) dtypes = defaultdict(lambda: str) read_csv_func = partial( pd.read_csv, sep=ped_sep, index_col=False, skipinitialspace=True, converters=converters, dtype=dtypes, comment="#", encoding="utf-8", ) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warn_messages: warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", category=pd.errors.ParserWarning, message="Both a converter and dtype were specified", ) if ped_no_header: file_header = FamiliesLoader._produce_header_from_indices( ped_family=ped_family, ped_person=ped_person, ped_mom=ped_mom, ped_dad=ped_dad, ped_sex=ped_sex, ped_status=ped_status, ped_role=ped_role, ped_proband=ped_proband, ped_layout=ped_layout, ped_generated=ped_generated, ped_not_sequenced=ped_not_sequenced, ped_sample_id=ped_sample_id, ) ped_family = PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["family"] ped_person = PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["person"] ped_mom = PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["mother"] ped_dad = PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["father"] ped_sex = PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["sex"] ped_status = PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["status"] ped_role = PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["role"] ped_proband = PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["proband"] ped_layout = PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["layout"] ped_generated = PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["generated"] ped_not_sequenced = PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["not_sequenced"] ped_sample_id = PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["sample id"] ped_df = read_csv_func( pedigree_filepath, header=None, names=file_header, ) else: ped_df = read_csv_func(pedigree_filepath) for warn in warn_messages: warnings.showwarning( warn.message, warn.category, warn.filename, warn.lineno) if ped_sample_id in ped_df: if ped_generated in ped_df or ped_not_sequenced in ped_df: def fill_sample_id(rec: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: if not pd.isna(rec.sample_id): return pd.Series([rec.sample_id]) if rec.generated or rec.not_sequenced: return pd.Series([None]) return pd.Series([rec.personId]) else: def fill_sample_id(rec: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: if not pd.isna(rec.sample_id): return pd.Series([rec.sample_id]) return pd.Series([rec.personId]) sample_ids = ped_df.apply( fill_sample_id, axis=1, result_type="reduce", ) ped_df[ped_sample_id] = sample_ids else: sample_ids = pd.Series( data=ped_df[ped_person].values) ped_df[ped_sample_id] = sample_ids if ped_generated in ped_df: ped_df[ped_generated] = ped_df[ ped_generated].apply( lambda v: v or None) if ped_not_sequenced in ped_df: ped_df[ped_not_sequenced] = ped_df[ ped_not_sequenced].apply( lambda v: v or None) ped_df = ped_df.rename( columns={ ped_family: PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["family"], ped_person: PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["person"], ped_mom: PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["mother"], ped_dad: PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["father"], ped_sex: PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["sex"], ped_status: PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["status"], ped_role: PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["role"], ped_proband: PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["proband"], ped_sample_id: PEDIGREE_COLUMN_NAMES["sample id"], }, ) if ped_no_role: ped_df["role"] = pd.Series(index=ped_df.index, data=None) if not set(PED_COLUMNS_REQUIRED) <= set(ped_df.columns): missing_columns = set(PED_COLUMNS_REQUIRED).difference( set(ped_df.columns), ) message = ", ".join(missing_columns) print(f"pedigree file missing columns {message}") raise ValueError( f"pedigree file missing columns {message}", ) return ped_df
[docs] @staticmethod def load_simple_families_file( infile: PedigreeIO, ped_sep: str = "\t", ) -> FamiliesData: """Load a pedigree from a DAE simple family format file.""" fam_df = pd.read_csv( infile, sep=ped_sep, index_col=False, skipinitialspace=True, converters={ "role": Role.from_name, "gender": Sex.from_name, "sex": Sex.from_name, }, dtype={"familyId": str, "personId": str}, comment="#", ) fam_df = fam_df.rename( columns={ "gender": "sex", "personId": "person_id", "familyId": "family_id", "momId": "mom_id", "dadId": "dad_id", "sample_id": "sample_id", }, ) fam_df["status"] = pd.Series(index=fam_df.index, data=1) fam_df.loc[fam_df.role == Role.prb, "status"] = 2 fam_df["status"] = fam_df.status.apply( Status.from_value) # type: ignore fam_df["mom_id"] = pd.Series(index=fam_df.index, data="0") fam_df["dad_id"] = pd.Series(index=fam_df.index, data="0") if "sample_id" not in fam_df.columns: sample_ids = pd.Series(data=fam_df["person_id"].values) fam_df["sample_id"] = sample_ids families = defaultdict(list) for rec in fam_df.to_dict(orient="records"): families[rec["family_id"]].append(rec) result = defaultdict(list) for fam_id, members in families.items(): mom_id = None dad_id = None children = [] for member in members: role = member["role"] if role == mom_id = member["person_id"] elif role == dad_id = member["person_id"] else: assert role in {Role.prb, Role.sib} children.append(member) for child in children: child["mom_id"] = mom_id child["dad_id"] = dad_id result[fam_id] = [ Person(**member) # type: ignore for member in members ] return FamiliesData.from_family_persons(result)
[docs] @staticmethod def save_pedigree(families: FamiliesData, filename: PedigreeIO) -> None: """Save FamiliesData object into a pedigree file.""" FamiliesLoader._transform_families(families)\ .to_csv(filename, index=False, sep="\t")
@staticmethod def _transform_families(families: FamiliesData) -> pd.DataFrame: df = families.ped_df.copy() df = df.rename( columns={ "person_id": "personId", "family_id": "familyId", "mom_id": "momId", "dad_id": "dadId", "sample_id": "sample_id", }, ) = v: return df
[docs] @staticmethod def to_tsv(families: FamiliesData) -> str: """Convert a FamiliesData object into a TSV string.""" return FamiliesLoader._transform_families(families)\ .to_csv(index=False, sep="\t")
[docs] @staticmethod def save_families(families: FamiliesData, filename: PedigreeIO) -> None: assert isinstance(families, FamiliesData) FamiliesLoader.save_pedigree(families, filename)