Source code for dae.pedigrees.pedigrees

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import copy
import itertools
import logging
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from import Iterable, Iterator
from functools import reduce
from typing import Any, cast

import networkx as nx

from import Family, Person
from dae.variants.attributes import Role, Sex, Status

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class FamilyConnections: """Representation of connections between family members.""" def __init__( self, family: Family, id_to_individual: dict[str, Individual], id_to_mating_unit: dict[str, MatingUnit], ) -> None: assert family is not None assert "0" not in id_to_individual assert "" not in id_to_individual = family self.id_to_individual = id_to_individual self.id_to_mating_unit = id_to_mating_unit
[docs] @staticmethod def is_valid_family(family: dict[str, MatingUnit]) -> bool: """Check if a family is valid.""" if not family: return False for parents in family: if family[parents].mother.member is None: return False if family[parents].father.member is None: return False for children in family[parents].children.individuals: if children.member is None: return False return True
[docs] def get_graph(self) -> nx.Graph: """Build a family graph.""" graph = nx.Graph() for individual_id in self.id_to_individual: graph.add_node(individual_id) for mating_unit in self.get_mating_units(): assert mating_unit.mother.member is not None assert mating_unit.father.member is not None graph.add_edge( mating_unit.mother.member.person_id, mating_unit.father.member.person_id) for child in mating_unit.children_set(): assert child.member is not None graph.add_edge( mating_unit.mother.member.person_id, child.member.person_id, ) graph.add_edge( mating_unit.father.member.person_id, child.member.person_id, ) return graph
[docs] def is_connected(self) -> bool: graph = self.get_graph() return cast(bool, nx.is_connected(graph))
[docs] def connected_components(self) -> Iterator[nx.Graph]: graph = self.get_graph() return cast(Iterator[nx.Graph], nx.connected_components(graph))
[docs] @staticmethod def add_missing_members(family: Family) -> None: """Construct missing family members.""" new_members = [] id_to_individual: dict[str, Any] = defaultdict(Individual) for member in family.full_members: individual = id_to_individual[member.person_id] individual.member = member missing_father_mothers = {} missing_mother_fathers = {} for member in family.full_members: if member.mom_id == member.dad_id: continue if member.mom_id is None: assert member.dad_id is not None if member.dad_id not in missing_mother_fathers: missing_mother_fathers[member.dad_id] = Person( person_id=member.dad_id + ".mother", family_id=family.family_id, mom_id="0", dad_id="0", sex="2", status="-", role=Role.unknown, generated=True, ) new_members.append(missing_mother_fathers[member.dad_id]) member.mom_id = member.dad_id + ".mother" elif member.dad_id is None: assert member.mom_id is not None if member.mom_id not in missing_father_mothers: missing_father_mothers[member.mom_id] = Person( person_id=member.mom_id + ".father", family_id=family.family_id, mom_id="0", dad_id="0", sex="1", status="-", role=Role.unknown, generated=True, ) new_members.append(missing_father_mothers[member.mom_id]) member.dad_id = member.mom_id + ".father" mother = id_to_individual[member.mom_id] father = id_to_individual[member.dad_id] if mother.member is None and mother not in new_members: mother.member = Person( person_id=member.mom_id, family_id=family.family_id, mom_id="0", dad_id="0", sex=Sex.F, status=Status.unspecified, role=Role.unknown, generated=True, ) new_members.append(mother.member) if father.member is None and father not in new_members: father.member = Person( person_id=member.dad_id, family_id=family.family_id, mom_id="0", dad_id="0", sex="1", status="-", role=Role.unknown, generated=True, ) new_members.append(father.member) unique_new_members_ids = set([]) unique_new_members = [] for person in new_members: if person.person_id in unique_new_members_ids: continue unique_new_members.append(person) unique_new_members_ids.add(person.person_id) family.add_members(unique_new_members)
# role_builder = FamilyRoleBuilder(family) # role_builder.build_roles()
[docs] @classmethod def from_family( cls, family: Family, add_missing_members: bool = True, ) -> FamilyConnections | None: """Build family connections object from a family.""" assert isinstance(family, Family) if add_missing_members: cls.add_missing_members(family) id_to_individual: dict[str, Any] = defaultdict(Individual) id_to_mating_unit = {} for member in family.full_members: individual = id_to_individual[member.person_id] individual.member = member if not member.has_both_parents(): continue mother = id_to_individual[member.mom_id] father = id_to_individual[member.dad_id] mating_unit_key = member.mom_id + "," + member.dad_id if mother != father and mating_unit_key not in id_to_mating_unit: id_to_mating_unit[mating_unit_key] = MatingUnit(mother, father) if mother != father: parental_unit = id_to_mating_unit[mating_unit_key] individual.parents = parental_unit parental_unit.children.individuals.add(individual) if cls.is_valid_family(id_to_mating_unit) is False: return None assert "0" not in id_to_individual assert "" not in id_to_individual return FamilyConnections(family, id_to_individual, id_to_mating_unit)
[docs] def create_sandwich_instance(self) -> SandwichInstance: """ Generate an Interval Graph Sandwich problem instance. Based on Slightly modified to support people with multiple mates. :return: SandwichInstance """ self.add_ranks() individuals = self.get_individuals() mating_units = self.get_mating_units() sibship_units = self.get_sibship_units() all_vertices: set[IndividualGroup] = \ individuals | mating_units | sibship_units # Ea-: individuals of same rank should not intersect same_rank_edges = { (i1, i2) for i1 in individuals for i2 in individuals if i1 is not i2 and i1.rank is i2.rank } # Allow intersection of individuals who have the same mate. This allows # drawing of pedigrees with the curved link when there is a person # with more than 2 mates. multiple_partners_edges = { (i1, i2) for i1 in individuals for i2 in [m.other_parent(i1) for m in i1.mating_units] if len(i1.mating_units) > 2 } same_rank_edges -= multiple_partners_edges same_rank_edges = set(map(tuple, same_rank_edges)) # type: ignore # Eb+: mating units and individuals in them should intersect mating_edges = { (i, m) for i in individuals for m in mating_units if i.individual_set().issubset(m.individual_set()) } # Eb-: and no others of the same rank should intersect same_generation_not_mates = { (i, m) for i in individuals for m in mating_units if i.generation_ranks() == m.generation_ranks() } same_generation_not_mates = same_generation_not_mates - mating_edges # Ec+: sibship units and individuals in them should intersect sibship_edges = { (i, s) for i in individuals for s in sibship_units if i.individual_set().issubset(s.individual_set()) } # Ec-: and no others of the same rank should intersect same_generation_not_siblings = { (i, s) for i in individuals for s in sibship_units if i.parents is not None and i.generation_ranks() == s.generation_ranks() } same_generation_not_siblings = ( same_generation_not_siblings - sibship_edges ) # Ed+: mating units and corresponding sibships should intersect mates_siblings_edges = { (m, s) for m in mating_units for s in sibship_units if (m.children.individual_set() is s.individual_set()) } # Ee-: mating units and sibship or mating units of different ranks # should not intersect intergenerational_edges = { (m, a) for m in mating_units for a in sibship_units | mating_units if (m.generation_ranks() & a.generation_ranks() == set()) and (m.individual_set() & a.individual_set() == set()) # this check seems redundant } intergenerational_edges -= mates_siblings_edges required_set: set[tuple[IndividualGroup, IndividualGroup]] = \ mating_edges | sibship_edges | mates_siblings_edges forbidden_set: set[tuple[IndividualGroup, IndividualGroup]] = \ same_rank_edges \ | same_generation_not_mates \ | same_generation_not_siblings \ | intergenerational_edges return SandwichInstance.from_sets( all_vertices, required_set, forbidden_set)
@property def members(self) -> list[Person]: assert is not None # for person in # yield self.id_to_individual[person.person_id] return
[docs] def add_ranks(self) -> None: """Calculate and add ranks to the family members.""" if len(self.id_to_mating_unit) == 0: for member in self.id_to_individual.values(): member.rank = 0 elif len(self.members) > 0: is_rank_set = False for member in self.id_to_individual.values(): if len(member.mating_units) != 0: member.add_rank(0) is_rank_set = True break if not is_rank_set: list(self.id_to_individual.values())[0].add_rank(0) self._fix_ranks()
def _fix_ranks(self) -> None: max_rank = self.max_rank() for member in self.id_to_individual.values(): member.rank -= max_rank member.rank = -member.rank
[docs] def max_rank(self) -> int: return reduce( lambda acc, i: max(acc, i.rank), self.id_to_individual.values(), 0, )
[docs] def get_individual(self, person_id: str) -> Individual | None: return self.id_to_individual.get(person_id)
[docs] def get_individuals_with_rank(self, rank: int) -> set[Individual]: return {i for i in self.id_to_individual.values() if i.rank == rank}
[docs] def get_individuals(self) -> set[Individual]: return set(self.id_to_individual.values())
[docs] def get_mating_units(self) -> set[MatingUnit]: return set(self.id_to_mating_unit.values())
[docs] def get_sibship_units(self) -> set[SibshipUnit]: return {mu.children for mu in self.id_to_mating_unit.values()}
[docs] class IndividualGroup(abc.ABC): """Group of individuals connected to an individual."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def individual_set(self) -> set[Individual]: """Return set of individuals in the group."""
[docs] def generation_ranks(self) -> set[int]: return {i.rank for i in self.individual_set()}
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def children_set(self) -> set[Individual]: """Return set of children in the group."""
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( self.__class__.__name__[0].lower() + "{" + ",".join(sorted(map(repr, self.individual_set()))) + "}" ) def __lt__( self, other: Individual | SibshipUnit | MatingUnit, ) -> bool: return repr(self) < repr(other)
[docs] def is_individual(self) -> bool: return False
[docs] class Individual(IndividualGroup): """Represents an individual and all connected members.""" NO_RANK = -3673473456 def __init__( self, mating_units: list[MatingUnit] | None = None, member: Person | None = None, parents: MatingUnit | None = None, rank: int = NO_RANK, ) -> None: if mating_units is None: mating_units = [] self.mating_units = mating_units self.member = member self.parents = parents self.rank = rank
[docs] def individual_set(self) -> set[Individual]: return {self}
[docs] def children_set(self) -> set[Individual]: return {c for mu in self.mating_units for c in mu.children_set()}
[docs] def add_rank(self, rank: int) -> None: """Calculate and set generation rank for each individual in a group.""" if self.rank != Individual.NO_RANK: return self.rank = rank for mating_unit in self.mating_units: for child in mating_unit.children.individuals: child.add_rank(rank - 1) mating_unit.father.add_rank(rank) mating_unit.mother.add_rank(rank) if self.parents: if self.parents.father: self.parents.father.add_rank(rank + 1) if self.parents.mother: self.parents.mother.add_rank(rank + 1)
def __repr__(self) -> str: assert self.member is not None return str(self.member.person_id)
[docs] def are_siblings(self, other_individual: Individual) -> bool: return ( self.parents is not None and self.parents == other_individual.parents )
[docs] def are_mates(self, other_individual: Individual) -> bool: return ( len(set(self.mating_units) & set(other_individual.mating_units)) == 1 )
[docs] def is_individual(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] class SibshipUnit(IndividualGroup): """Group of individuals connected as siblings.""" def __init__( self, individuals: Iterable[Individual] | None = None, ) -> None: if individuals is None: individuals = set() self.individuals = set(individuals)
[docs] def individual_set(self) -> set[Individual]: return self.individuals
[docs] def children_set(self) -> set[Any]: return set()
[docs] class MatingUnit(IndividualGroup): """Gropu of individuals connected in a mating unit.""" def __init__( self, mother: Individual, father: Individual, children: SibshipUnit | None = None, ) -> None: if children is None: children = SibshipUnit() self.mother = mother self.father = father self.children = children self.mother.mating_units.append(self) self.father.mating_units.append(self)
[docs] def individual_set(self) -> set[Individual]: return {self.mother, self.father}
[docs] def children_set(self) -> set[Individual]: return set(self.children.individuals)
[docs] def other_parent(self, this_parent: Individual) -> Individual: assert this_parent in (self.mother, self.father) if this_parent == self.mother: return self.father return self.mother
[docs] class Interval: """Represents an interval between two points on a number line.""" def __init__(self, left: float = 0.0, right: float = 1.0) -> None: """Initialize a new Interval object. Args: left (float): The left endpoint of the interval. Defaults to 0.0. right (float): The right endpoint of the interval. Defaults to 1.0. """ self.left = left self.right = right
[docs] def intersection(self, other: IntervalForVertex) -> Interval | None: """Compute the intersection of this interval with another interval. Args: other (IntervalForVertex): The other interval to compute the intersection with. Returns: Optional[Interval]: The intersection interval if it exists, None otherwise. """ if self.left < other.right: return None return Interval( max(self.left, other.left), min(self.right, other.right), )
[docs] class IntervalForVertex(Interval): """Represents an interval associated with a vertex in a pedigree.""" def __init__( self, vertex: IndividualGroup, left: float = 0.0, right: float = 1.0, ) -> None: super().__init__(left, right) self.vertex = vertex def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"i[{self.vertex}> {self.left}:{self.right}]"
[docs] class Realization: """Represents a realization in a pedigree graph. Attributes: graph (nx.Graph): The graph representing the pedigree. forbidden_graph (nx.Graph): The graph representing forbidden edges in the pedigree. intervals (Optional[list[IntervalForVertex]]): The intervals for each vertex in the pedigree. domain (Optional[list[IndividualGroup]]): The domain of the pedigree. max_width (int): The maximum width of the pedigree. _cached_active_vertices (Optional[set[IndividualGroup]]): Cached set of active vertices. _cached_maximal_set (Optional[set[IndividualGroup]]): Cached set of maximal vertices. _graph_neighbors_cache ( Optional[dict[IndividualGroup, set[IndividualGroup]]]): Cached neighbors of each vertex. _cached_dangling_set (Optional[set[IndividualGroup]]): Cached set of dangling vertices. _cached_vertex_degree (Optional[dict[IndividualGroup, int]]): Cached degree of each vertex. """ def __init__( self, graph: nx.Graph, forbidden_graph: nx.Graph, intervals: list[IntervalForVertex] | None = None, domain: list[IndividualGroup] | None = None, max_width: int = 3, _cached_active_vertices: set[IndividualGroup] | None = None, _cached_maximal_set: set[IndividualGroup] | None = None, _graph_neighbors_cache: dict[IndividualGroup, set[IndividualGroup]] | None = None, _cached_dangling_set: set[IndividualGroup] | None = None, _cached_vertex_degree: dict[IndividualGroup, int] | None = None, ) -> None: if domain is None: domain = [] if intervals is None: intervals = [] self.graph = graph self.forbidden_graph = forbidden_graph self.intervals = intervals self.domain = domain self.max_width = max_width self._domain_set = set(self.domain) self._cached_active_vertices: set[IndividualGroup] | None = \ _cached_active_vertices self._cached_maximal_set = _cached_maximal_set self._cached_dangling_set = _cached_dangling_set if _cached_vertex_degree is None: _cached_vertex_degree = {} self._cached_vertex_degree = _cached_vertex_degree if _graph_neighbors_cache is None: # print("_graph_neighbors_cache recomputed") _graph_neighbors_cache = { v: set(self.graph.neighbors(v)) for v in self.graph.nodes() } self._graph_neighbors_cache = _graph_neighbors_cache
[docs] def copy(self) -> Realization: return Realization( self.graph, self.forbidden_graph, list(map(copy.copy, self.intervals)), # type: ignore copy.copy(self.domain), self.max_width, self._cached_active_vertices, self._cached_maximal_set, self._graph_neighbors_cache, self._cached_dangling_set, self._cached_vertex_degree, )
def __repr__(self) -> str: ordered_domain = sorted(repr(v) for v in self.domain) return ";".join(ordered_domain)
[docs] def extend(self, vertex: IndividualGroup) -> bool: if not self.can_extend(vertex): return False self.force_extend(vertex) return True
[docs] def force_extend(self, vertex: IndividualGroup) -> None: """Extend the pedigree by adding a new vertex. Parameters: - vertex (IndividualGroup): The vertex to be added to the pedigree. Returns: - None """ max_right = next( self.get_interval(v).right for v in self.get_maximal_set() ) p = 0.5 + max_right for active_vertex in self.get_active_vertices(): interval = self.get_interval(active_vertex) interval.right = p + 1 self.domain.append(vertex) self.intervals.append(IntervalForVertex(vertex, p, p + 1)) self._domain_set.add(vertex) self._cached_active_vertices = None self._cached_maximal_set = None self._cached_dangling_set = None self._cached_vertex_degree = {}
[docs] def can_extend( self, new_vertex: IndividualGroup, ) -> bool: """Determine whether a new vertex can be added to the pedigree. Args: new_vertex (IndividualGroup): The new vertex to be added. Returns: bool: True if the new vertex can be added, False otherwise. """ temp_realization = Realization( self.graph, self.forbidden_graph, self.intervals + [IntervalForVertex(new_vertex)], self.domain + [new_vertex], _graph_neighbors_cache=self._graph_neighbors_cache, ) if self._has_forbidden_edge(new_vertex): # print("_has_forbidden_edge!") return False if self._is_active_bounded(temp_realization, new_vertex): return False # pylint: disable=protected-access if temp_realization._exceeds_max_width(): # print("max width reached!") return False if not self._old_dangling_same(new_vertex, temp_realization): # print("_old_dangling_same!") return False if not self._new_dangling_valid(new_vertex, temp_realization): # print("_new_dangling_valid!") return False if not self._new_active_valid(new_vertex, temp_realization): # print("_new_active_valid!") return False assert self.get_active_vertices().issubset(self.get_maximal_set()) return True
def _is_active_bounded( self, new_realization: Realization, new_vertex: IndividualGroup, ) -> bool: if len(self.get_active_vertices()) == self.max_width - 1: if new_vertex not in self.dangling_set(): return True active_vertices = self.get_active_vertices().intersection( new_realization.get_active_vertices(), ) for active in active_vertices: if != + 1: return True return False def _exceeds_max_width(self) -> bool: return len(self.get_active_vertices()) >= self.max_width def _has_forbidden_edge(self, new_vertex: IndividualGroup) -> bool: forbidden = set(self.forbidden_graph.neighbors(new_vertex)) active_vertices = self.get_active_vertices() return forbidden & active_vertices != set() def _new_active_valid( self, new_vertex: IndividualGroup, new_realization: Realization, ) -> bool: new_active = new_realization.get_active_vertices() old_active_and_new_vertex = self.get_active_vertices() | {new_vertex} expected_new_active = { v for v in old_active_and_new_vertex if len(new_realization.dangling(v)) != 0 } return new_active == expected_new_active def _new_dangling_valid( self, new_vertex: IndividualGroup, new_realization: Realization, ) -> bool: new_dangling = new_realization.dangling(new_vertex) new_edges = ( set(self.graph.neighbors(new_vertex)) - self.get_active_vertices() ) return new_dangling == new_edges def _old_dangling_same( self, new_vertex: IndividualGroup, new_realization: Realization, ) -> bool: for active_vertex in self.get_active_vertices(): dangling = self.dangling(active_vertex) new_dangling = new_realization.dangling(active_vertex) dangling -= {new_vertex} if new_dangling != dangling: return False return True
[docs] def get_interval( self, vertex: IndividualGroup, ) -> IntervalForVertex: index = self.domain.index(vertex) return self.intervals[index]
[docs] def is_in_interval_order(self, v1_idx: int, v2_idx: int) -> bool: interval1 = self.intervals[v1_idx] interval2 = self.intervals[v2_idx] return interval1.right < interval2.left
[docs] def is_maximal(self, index: int) -> bool: for i, _ in enumerate(self.domain): if i != index and self.is_in_interval_order(index, i): return False return True
[docs] def get_maximal_set(self) -> set[IndividualGroup]: """Return the maximal set of IndividualGroup objects in the domain. If the maximal set has already been computed, it is returned from the cache. Otherwise, the maximal set is computed by iterating over the domain and checking if each IndividualGroup is maximal. The computed maximal set is then stored in the cache for future use. Returns: set[IndividualGroup]: The maximal set of IndividualGroup objects. """ if self._cached_maximal_set: return self._cached_maximal_set self._cached_maximal_set = { v for i, v in enumerate(self.domain) if self.is_maximal(i) } return self._cached_maximal_set
[docs] def get_active_vertex_edges( self, vertex: IndividualGroup, ) -> set[IndividualGroup]: return self._graph_neighbors_cache[vertex].difference(self._domain_set)
[docs] def is_active_vertex(self, vertex: IndividualGroup) -> bool: neighbors = self._graph_neighbors_cache[vertex] for v in neighbors: if v not in self._domain_set: return True return False
[docs] def get_active_vertices(self) -> set[IndividualGroup]: """Return a set of active vertices in the domain. Returns: set[IndividualGroup]: A set of active vertices. """ if self._cached_active_vertices: return self._cached_active_vertices self._cached_active_vertices = set() for v in self.domain: if self.is_active_vertex(v): self._cached_active_vertices.add(v) return self._cached_active_vertices
[docs] def dangling( self, vertex: IndividualGroup, ) -> set[IndividualGroup]: return self.get_active_vertex_edges(vertex)
[docs] def dangling_set(self) -> set[IndividualGroup]: """Return a set of the dangling vertices in the pedigree graph. Dangling vertices are vertices that have no outgoing edges. Returns: set[IndividualGroup]: A set of IndividualGroup objects representing the dangling vertices. """ if self._cached_dangling_set: return self._cached_dangling_set self._cached_dangling_set = set( v for active in self.get_active_vertices() for v in self.dangling(active) ) return self._cached_dangling_set
[docs] def degree(self, vertex: IndividualGroup) -> int: """Calculate the degree of a vertex in the pedigree. Parameters: vertex (IndividualGroup): The vertex for which to calculate the degree. Returns: int: The degree of the vertex. """ if vertex in self._cached_vertex_degree: return self._cached_vertex_degree[vertex] v_interval = self.get_interval(vertex) result = ( len( [ 1 for i in self.intervals if v_interval.intersection(i) is not None ], ) - 1 ) self._cached_vertex_degree[vertex] = result return result
[docs] class SandwichInstance: """Represent a sandwich instance representing the pedigree. Attributes: vertices (set[IndividualGroup]): The set of vertices in the sandwich instance. required_graph (nx.Graph): The required graph representing the connections between vertices. forbidden_graph (nx.Graph): The forbidden graph representing the forbidden connections between vertices. """ def __init__( self, vertices: set[IndividualGroup], required_graph: nx.Graph, forbidden_graph: nx.Graph, ) -> None: self.vertices = vertices self.required_graph = required_graph self.forbidden_graph = forbidden_graph
[docs] @staticmethod def from_sets( all_vertices: set[IndividualGroup], required_set: set[tuple[IndividualGroup, IndividualGroup]], forbidden_set: set[tuple[IndividualGroup, IndividualGroup]], ) -> SandwichInstance: """Create a SandwichInstance object. Args: all_vertices (set[IndividualGroup]): Set of all vertices in the graph. required_set (set[tuple[IndividualGroup, IndividualGroup]]): Set of required edges. forbidden_set (set[tuple[IndividualGroup, IndividualGroup]]): Set of forbidden edges. Returns: SandwichInstance: The created SandwichInstance object. """ required_graph = nx.Graph() required_graph.add_nodes_from(all_vertices) required_graph.add_edges_from(required_set) forbidden_graph = nx.Graph() forbidden_graph.add_nodes_from(all_vertices) forbidden_graph.add_edges_from(forbidden_set) return SandwichInstance(all_vertices, required_graph, forbidden_graph)
[docs] def copy_graph(graph: nx.Graph) -> nx.Graph: result = nx.Graph() result.add_nodes_from(graph.nodes()) result.add_edges_from(graph.edges()) return result
[docs] class SandwichSolver: """A class that provides methods for solving sandwich instances. Methods: - solve(sandwich_instance: SandwichInstance): Solves the given sandwich instance and returns a list of intervals for each vertex, or None if no solution is found. - try_solve(sandwich_instance: SandwichInstance) Tries to solve the given sandwich instance and returns a list of intervals for each vertex, or None if no solution is found. """
[docs] @staticmethod def solve( sandwich_instance: SandwichInstance, ) -> list[IntervalForVertex] | None: """Solve the sandwich instance. Args: sandwich_instance (SandwichInstance): The sandwich instance to solve. Returns: Optional[list[IntervalForVertex]]: A list of intervals for each vertex if a solution is found, otherwise an empty list. """ forbidden_graph = sandwich_instance.forbidden_graph if len(sandwich_instance.required_graph.edges()) == 0: return SandwichSolver.try_solve(sandwich_instance) logger.debug( "sandwich forbidden graph edges: %s; %s", len(forbidden_graph.edges()), forbidden_graph.edges(), ) for count in range(len(forbidden_graph.edges())): for edges_to_remove in itertools.combinations( sorted(forbidden_graph.edges()), count): logger.debug("trying to remove edges: %s", edges_to_remove) # if count == 2: # return # print(("removing", edges_to_remove)) current_forbidden_graph = copy_graph(forbidden_graph) current_forbidden_graph.remove_edges_from(edges_to_remove) current_instance = SandwichInstance( sandwich_instance.vertices, sandwich_instance.required_graph, current_forbidden_graph, ) result = SandwichSolver.try_solve(current_instance) if result: # print(("removed:", count)) # , edges_to_remove) return result return []
[docs] @staticmethod def try_solve( sandwich_instance: SandwichInstance, ) -> list[IntervalForVertex] | None: """Try to solve the sandwich instance by finding a realization. Searchs for realization that satisfies the given constraints. Args: sandwich_instance (SandwichInstance): The sandwich instance to be solved. Returns: Optional[list[IntervalForVertex]]: A list of intervals for each vertex if a solution is found,otherwise None. """ initial_realization: list[Realization] = [] current_iteration = 0 for i, vertex in enumerate(sandwich_instance.vertices): # pylint: disable=protected-access initial_realization.append( Realization( sandwich_instance.required_graph, sandwich_instance.forbidden_graph, [IntervalForVertex(vertex)], [vertex], _graph_neighbors_cache=initial_realization[ 0 ]._graph_neighbors_cache if i > 0 else None, ), ) realizations_queue = deque(sorted(initial_realization, key=str)) visited_realizations = set() vertices_length = len(sandwich_instance.vertices) if vertices_length == 1: realization = realizations_queue.pop() return realization.intervals while len(realizations_queue) > 0: realization = realizations_queue.pop() current_iteration += 1 if current_iteration == 100000: logger.warning( "bailing at %s iterations...", current_iteration, ) return None other_vertices = sandwich_instance.vertices.difference( realization.domain, ) # other_vertices = sorted(other_vertices, key=str) can_extend_f = realization.can_extend for vertex in other_vertices: can_extend = can_extend_f(vertex) if not can_extend: continue cloned_realization = realization.copy() cloned_realization.force_extend(vertex) if len(cloned_realization.domain) == vertices_length: logger.debug( "sandwitch iterations count: %s", current_iteration, ) return cloned_realization.intervals domain_string = repr(cloned_realization) if domain_string not in visited_realizations: visited_realizations.add(domain_string) realizations_queue.append(cloned_realization) return None