from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy as sp
from scipy.stats import t
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression as LinearRegressionSK
class LinearRegression(LinearRegressionSK):
"""Class to build linear regression models."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
self._pvalues: np.ndarray | None = None
self._tvalues: np.ndarray | None = None
def calc_regression(
self, x_values: np.ndarray, y_values: pd.Series | np.ndarray,
sample_weight: float | None = None,
) -> LinearRegression:
"""Calculate regression for given X and Y values."""
super().fit(x_values, y_values, sample_weight)
n = len(y_values) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
x_consts = np.column_stack([np.ones(x_values.shape[0]), x_values])
pinv_x, rank = sp.linalg.pinv(x_consts, return_rank=True)
df_resid = x_consts.shape[0] - np.linalg.matrix_rank(x_consts)
resid = y_values - self.predict(x_values)
scale =, resid) / df_resid
cov_params =, pinv_x.T) * scale
beta =, y_values)
bse = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov_params))
if np.any(bse == 0):
tvalues = beta * 0
pvalues = beta * 0
tvalues = beta / bse
pvalues = t.sf(np.abs(tvalues), n - rank) * 2
self._tvalues = tvalues
self._pvalues = pvalues
return self
def tvalues(self) -> np.ndarray | None:
return self._tvalues
def pvalues(self) -> np.ndarray | None:
return self._pvalues