#!/bin/env python
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, redefined-outer-name
import numpy as np
def getDims(inp):
return len(inp), inp[0].shape[1], sum(inp[0], 0)
def checkConsistency(inp):
"""Check consistency."""
_L, P, nCpies = getDims(inp)
for locus, m in enumerate(inp):
if m.shape != (2, P):
raise ValueError(
f"The matrix for the {locus}th locus has inconsisten shape")
lNC = sum(m, 0)
if not np.array_equal(lNC, nCpies):
raise ValueError(
f"The {locus}th loci has inconsisten copynumber profile")
return True
def possiblePersonPhasingR(inp, L, P, p, ll, cPh, posPhs, seenHet):
"""Is person phasing R possible."""
if ll == L:
if inp[ll][0, p] == 0:
cPh[:, ll] = 1
possiblePersonPhasingR(inp, L, P, p, ll + 1, cPh, posPhs, seenHet)
elif inp[ll][1, p] == 0:
cPh[:, ll] = 0
possiblePersonPhasingR(inp, L, P, p, ll + 1, cPh, posPhs, seenHet)
elif seenHet:
cPh[:, ll] = [0, 1]
possiblePersonPhasingR(inp, L, P, p, ll + 1, cPh, posPhs, True)
cPhB = np.array(cPh)
cPhB[:, ll] = [1, 0]
possiblePersonPhasingR(inp, L, P, p, ll + 1, cPhB, posPhs, True)
cPh[:, ll] = [0, 1]
possiblePersonPhasingR(inp, L, P, p, ll + 1, cPh, posPhs, True)
def possiblePersonPhasing(inp, L, P, nCpies, p):
posPhs = []
cPh = np.zeros((nCpies[p], L), dtype=int)
possiblePersonPhasingR(inp, L, P, p, 0, cPh, posPhs, False)
return posPhs
def phase(inp):
"""Calculate phase."""
L, P, nCpies = getDims(inp)
# print >>sys.stderr, "inp:", inp
# print >>sys.stderr, "L:", L
# print >>sys.stderr, "P:", P
# print >>sys.stderr, "nCpies:", nCpies
# print >>sys.stderr, "phase called with L: %d, P, %d" % (L,P)
chSts = set()
chSts.update(str(np.array([st[:, c] for st in inp])) for c in range(2, P))
# pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
posFamilyPhs = []
for mph in possiblePersonPhasing(inp, L, P, nCpies, 0):
for dph in possiblePersonPhasing(inp, L, P, nCpies, 1):
posChSts = set()
for mh in mph:
for dh in dph:
m = np.zeros((L, 2), dtype=int)
for h in (mh, dh):
for locus in range(L):
m[locus, h[locus]] += 1
if nCpies[1] == 1:
m = np.matrix(np.zeros((L, 2)))
for locus in range(L):
m[locus, mh[locus]] += 1
if all(x in posChSts for x in chSts):
posFamilyPhs.append((mph, dph))
return posFamilyPhs
if __name__ == "__main__":
inpR = [
[[1, 2, 2, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1]],
[[1, 2, 1, 2], [1, 0, 1, 0]],
inp = [np.array(x) for x in inpR]
print("inp", inp)
L, P, nCpies = getDims(inp)
print("L:", L)
print("P:", P)
print("nCpies:", nCpies)
posFamilyPhs = phase(inp)
for pfphs in posFamilyPhs:
for ph in possiblePersonPhasing(inp, L, P, nCpies, 0):
print("oo", ph)
L, P, nCpies = getDims(inp)
print(L, P, nCpies)
for ph in possiblePersonPhasing(inp, L, P, nCpies, 1):