Source code for dae.utils.dae_utils

import re
from import Generator, Iterable
from typing import Any

from dae.genomic_resources.reference_genome import ReferenceGenome

SUB_COMPLEX_RE = re.compile(r"^(sub|complex|comp)\(([NACGT]+)->([NACGT]+)\)$")
INS_RE = re.compile(r"^ins\(([NACGT]+)\)$")
DEL_RE = re.compile(r"^del\((\d+)\)$")

[docs] def dae2vcf_variant( chrom: str, position: int, variant: str, genome: ReferenceGenome, ) -> tuple[int, str, str]: """Convert a given CSHL-style variant to the VCF format.""" match = SUB_COMPLEX_RE.match(variant) if match: return position,, match = INS_RE.match(variant) if match: alt_suffix = reference = genome.get_sequence(chrom, position - 1, position - 1) return position - 1, reference, reference + alt_suffix match = DEL_RE.match(variant) if match: count = int( reference = genome.get_sequence( chrom, position - 1, position + count - 1, ) assert len(reference) == count + 1, reference return position - 1, reference, reference[0] raise NotImplementedError("weird variant: " + variant)
[docs] def cshl2vcf_variant( location: str, variant: str, genome: ReferenceGenome, ) -> tuple[str, int, str, str]: chrom, position = location.split(":") return chrom, *dae2vcf_variant(chrom, int(position), variant, genome)
[docs] def split_iterable( iterable: Iterable, max_chunk_length: int = 50, ) -> Generator[list, None, None]: """Split an iterable into chunks of a list type.""" i = 0 result = [] for value in iterable: i += 1 result.append(value) if i == max_chunk_length: yield result result = [] i = 0 if i != 0: yield result
[docs] def join_line(line: list[Any | list[Any]], sep: str = "\t") -> str: """Join an iterable representing a line into a string.""" flattened_line = [ "; ".join(v) if isinstance(v, list) else v for v in line] none_as_str_line = [ "" if v is None or v == "None" else str(v) for v in flattened_line] return sep.join(none_as_str_line) + "\n"