Source code for dae.utils.fs_utils

import datetime
import os
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, cast
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from fsspec.core import url_to_fs

[docs] def is_s3url(path: str) -> bool: return path.startswith("s3://")
[docs] def abspath(filename: str) -> str: url = urlparse(filename) if url.scheme: return filename return os.path.abspath(filename)
[docs] def exists(filename: str) -> bool: fs, relative_path = url_to_fs(filename) return bool(fs.exists(relative_path))
[docs] def join(path: str, *paths: str) -> str: for i in range(len(paths) - 1, -1, -1): if urlparse(paths[i]).scheme: return str(os.path.join(*paths[i:])) return str(os.path.join(path, *paths))
[docs] def find_directory_with_a_file( filename: str, cwd: str | Path | None = None) -> Path | None: """Find a directory containing a file. Starts from current working directory or from a directory passed. """ if cwd is None: curr_dir = Path(os.getcwd()).absolute() else: curr_dir = Path(cwd).absolute() pathname = curr_dir / filename if pathname.exists(): return curr_dir for work_dir in curr_dir.parents: pathname = work_dir / filename if pathname.exists(): return work_dir return None
[docs] def modified(filename: str) -> datetime.datetime: """Return the modified timestamp of a file.""" fs, relative_path = url_to_fs(filename) return cast(datetime.datetime, fs.modified(relative_path))
[docs] def containing_path(path: str | os.PathLike) -> str: """Return url to the resource that contains path. For file paths this is equivalent to the containing directory. For urls this is equivalent to the containing resource. """ if not path: return str(path) url = urlparse(str(path)) if url.scheme: if url.path: return os.path.dirname(path) return url.scheme + "://" return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(path))
[docs] def sign(filename: str) -> str: """Create a signed URL representing the given path. If the coresponding filesystem doesn't support signing then the filename is returned as is. """ fs, relative_path = url_to_fs(filename) try: return cast(str, fs.sign(relative_path)) except NotImplementedError: return filename
[docs] def copy(dest: str, src: str) -> None: """Copy a file or directory.""" if os.path.isfile(src): dest_dirname = os.path.dirname(dest) if not os.path.exists(dest_dirname): os.makedirs(dest_dirname) shutil.copy(src, dest) return shutil.copytree(src, dest, dirs_exist_ok=True)
[docs] def tabix_index_filename(tabix_filename: str) -> str | None: """Given a Tabix/VCF filename returns a tabix index filename if exists.""" if not exists(tabix_filename): raise OSError(f"tabix file '{tabix_filename}' not found") tbi_index_filename = f"{tabix_filename}.tbi" if exists(tbi_index_filename): return tbi_index_filename csi_index_filename = f"{tabix_filename}.csi" if exists(csi_index_filename): return csi_index_filename return None
[docs] def glob(path: str) -> list[str]: """Find files by glob-matching.""" fs, relative_path = url_to_fs(path) return cast(list[str], fs.glob(relative_path))
[docs] def rm_file(path: str) -> None: """Remove a file.""" fs, relative_path = url_to_fs(path) fs.rm_file(relative_path)
def _handle_env_variables(envdict: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> None: """Handle filesystem-related environment variables. Passing certain settings as env variables is useful in certain scenarios like running on k8s. However certain fsspec settings canNOT be passed as env vars - see: * * To work around this issue we have our own set of environment variables. On module import we get these env variables and set the appropriate config variables for fsspec. """ envdict = cast( dict[str, Any], envdict if envdict is not None else os.environ) if "S3_ENDPOINT_URL" not in envdict: return endpoint_url = envdict["S3_ENDPOINT_URL"] from fsspec.config import conf # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel conf["s3"] = conf.get("s3", {}) conf["s3"]["client_kwargs"] = conf["s3"].get("client_kwargs", {}) client_kwargs = conf["s3"]["client_kwargs"] if "endpoint_url" not in client_kwargs: client_kwargs["endpoint_url"] = endpoint_url _handle_env_variables()