Source code for gene_scores.views

import numpy as np
from datasets_api.permissions import get_instance_timestamp_etag
from django.http.response import StreamingHttpResponse
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
from django.views.decorators.http import etag
from query_base.query_base import QueryBaseView
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.request import Request
from rest_framework.response import Response

[docs] class GeneScoresListView(QueryBaseView): """Provides list of all gene scores."""
[docs] @method_decorator(etag(get_instance_timestamp_etag)) def get(self, request: Request) -> Response: """Build list of gene scores and return it.""" ids = request.query_params.get("ids") if ids: gene_scores = [ self.gpf_instance.get_gene_score_desc(gene_score) for gene_score in ids.strip().split(",") ] else: gene_scores = self.gpf_instance.get_all_gene_score_descs() return Response( [ { "score": score.score_id, "desc": f"{} - {score.description}", "bars": score.hist.bars, "bins": score.hist.bins, "xscale": "log" if score.hist.config.x_log_scale else "linear", "yscale": "log" if score.hist.config.y_log_scale else "linear", "range": score.hist.config.view_range, "help":, "small_values_desc": score.small_values_desc, "large_values_desc": score.large_values_desc, } for score in gene_scores ], )
[docs] class HistogramView(QueryBaseView): """Provides list of all gene scores."""
[docs] @method_decorator(etag(get_instance_timestamp_etag)) def get(self, request: Request) -> Response: """Build list of gene scores and return it.""" ids = request.query_params.get("ids") if ids: gene_scores = [ self.gpf_instance.get_gene_score_desc(gene_score) for gene_score in ids.strip().split(",") ] else: gene_scores = self.gpf_instance.get_all_gene_score_descs() return Response( [ { "score": score.score_id, "desc": f"{} - {score.description}", "histogram": score.hist.to_dict(), "help":, "small_values_desc": score.small_values_desc, "large_values_desc": score.large_values_desc, } for score in gene_scores ], )
[docs] class GeneScoresDownloadView(QueryBaseView): """Serves gene scores download requests."""
[docs] def get(self, _request: Request, score: str) -> Response: """Serve a gene score download request.""" score_desc = self.gpf_instance.get_gene_score_desc(score) gene_score = score_desc.resource_id tsv = self.gpf_instance.get_gene_score(gene_score).to_tsv(score) response = StreamingHttpResponse(tsv, content_type="text/csv") response["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=scores.csv" response["Expires"] = "0" return response
[docs] class GeneScoresPartitionsView(QueryBaseView): """Serves gene scores partitions request."""
[docs] def post(self, request: Request) -> Response: """Calculate and return gene score partitions.""" data = assert "score" in data score_name = data["score"] if not self.gpf_instance.has_gene_score(score_name): return Response(status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND) if "min" not in data or "max" not in data: return Response(status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) score_desc = self.gpf_instance.get_gene_score_desc(score_name) gene_score = self.gpf_instance.get_gene_score(score_desc.resource_id) df = gene_score.get_score_df(score_name) try: score_min = float(data["min"]) except (ValueError, TypeError): return Response(status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) try: score_max = float(data["max"]) except (ValueError, TypeError): return Response(status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) total = 1.0 * len(df) ldf = df[df[score_name] < score_min] rdf = df[df[score_name] > score_max] mdf = df[ np.logical_and( df[score_name] >= score_min, df[score_name] <= score_max) ] res = { "left": {"count": len(ldf), "percent": len(ldf) / total}, "mid": {"count": len(mdf), "percent": len(mdf) / total}, "right": {"count": len(rdf), "percent": len(rdf) / total}, } return Response(res)