Source code for dae.genomic_resources.gene_models.parsing

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from import Callable
from typing import IO, cast

import pandas as pd

from .gene_models import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

GeneModelsParser = Callable[
    [GeneModels, IO, dict[str, str] | None, int | None],

[docs] def parse_default_gene_models_format( gene_models: GeneModels, infile: IO, gene_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None, nrows: int | None = None, ) -> bool: """Parse default gene models file format.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals df = pd.read_csv( infile, sep="\t", nrows=nrows, dtype={ "chr": str, "trID": str, "trOrigId": str, "gene": str, "strand": str, "atts": str, }, ) expected_columns = [ "chr", "trID", "gene", "strand", "tsBeg", "txEnd", "cdsStart", "cdsEnd", "exonStarts", "exonEnds", "exonFrames", "atts", ] assert set(expected_columns) <= set(df.columns) if not set(expected_columns) <= set(df.columns): return False if "trOrigId" not in df.columns: tr_names = pd.Series(data=df["trID"].values) df["trOrigId"] = tr_names if gene_mapping: gene_models.alternative_names = copy.deepcopy(gene_mapping) records = df.to_dict(orient="records") for line in records: line = cast(dict, line) exon_starts = list(map(int, line["exonStarts"].split(","))) exon_ends = list(map(int, line["exonEnds"].split(","))) exon_frames = list(map(int, line["exonFrames"].split(","))) assert len(exon_starts) == len(exon_ends) == len(exon_frames) exons = [] for start, end, frame in zip(exon_starts, exon_ends, exon_frames, strict=True): exons.append(Exon(start=start, stop=end, frame=frame)) attributes: dict = {} atts = line.get("atts") if atts and isinstance(atts, str): astep = [a.split(":") for a in atts.split(";")] attributes = { a[0]: a[1] for a in astep } gene = line["gene"] gene = gene_models.alternative_names.get(gene, gene) transcript_model = TranscriptModel( gene=gene, tr_id=line["trID"], tr_name=line["trOrigId"], chrom=line["chr"], strand=line["strand"], tx=(line["tsBeg"], line["txEnd"]), cds=(line["cdsStart"], line["cdsEnd"]), exons=exons, attributes=attributes, ) gene_models.transcript_models[transcript_model.tr_id] = transcript_model gene_models.update_indexes() if nrows is not None: return True return True
[docs] def parse_ref_flat_gene_models_format( gene_models: GeneModels, infile: IO, gene_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None, nrows: int | None = None, ) -> bool: """Parse refFlat gene models file format.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals expected_columns = [ "#geneName", "name", "chrom", "strand", "txStart", "txEnd", "cdsStart", "cdsEnd", "exonCount", "exonStarts", "exonEnds", ] df = parse_raw(infile, expected_columns, nrows=nrows) if df is None: return False records = df.to_dict(orient="records") transcript_ids_counter: dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) if gene_mapping: gene_models.alternative_names = copy.deepcopy(gene_mapping) for rec in records: gene = rec["#geneName"] gene = gene_models.alternative_names.get(gene, gene) tr_name = rec["name"] chrom = rec["chrom"] strand = rec["strand"] tx = ( # pylint: disable=invalid-name int(rec["txStart"]) + 1, int(rec["txEnd"])) cds = (int(rec["cdsStart"]) + 1, int(rec["cdsEnd"])) exon_starts = list(map( int, str(rec["exonStarts"]).strip(",").split(","))) exon_ends = list(map( int, str(rec["exonEnds"]).strip(",").split(","))) assert len(exon_starts) == len(exon_ends) exons = [ Exon(start + 1, end) for start, end in zip(exon_starts, exon_ends, strict=True) ] transcript_ids_counter[tr_name] += 1 tr_id = f"{tr_name}_{transcript_ids_counter[tr_name]}" transcript_model = TranscriptModel( gene=gene, tr_id=tr_id, tr_name=tr_name, chrom=chrom, strand=strand, tx=tx, cds=cds, exons=exons, ) transcript_model.update_frames() gene_models.add_transcript_model(transcript_model) return True
[docs] def parse_ref_seq_gene_models_format( gene_models: GeneModels, infile: IO, gene_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None, nrows: int | None = None, ) -> bool: """Parse refSeq gene models file format.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals expected_columns = [ "#bin", "name", "chrom", "strand", "txStart", "txEnd", "cdsStart", "cdsEnd", "exonCount", "exonStarts", "exonEnds", "score", "name2", "cdsStartStat", "cdsEndStat", "exonFrames", ] df = parse_raw(infile, expected_columns, nrows=nrows) if df is None: return False records = df.to_dict(orient="records") transcript_ids_counter: dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) if gene_mapping: gene_models.alternative_names = copy.deepcopy(gene_mapping) for rec in records: gene = rec["name2"] gene = gene_models.alternative_names.get(gene, gene) tr_name = rec["name"] chrom = rec["chrom"] strand = rec["strand"] tx = ( # pylint: disable=invalid-name int(rec["txStart"]) + 1, int(rec["txEnd"])) cds = (int(rec["cdsStart"]) + 1, int(rec["cdsEnd"])) exon_starts = list(map( int, rec["exonStarts"].strip(",").split(","))) exon_ends = list(map( int, rec["exonEnds"].strip(",").split(","))) assert len(exon_starts) == len(exon_ends) exons = [ Exon(start + 1, end) for start, end in zip(exon_starts, exon_ends, strict=True) ] transcript_ids_counter[tr_name] += 1 tr_id = f"{tr_name}_{transcript_ids_counter[tr_name]}" attributes = { k: rec[k] for k in [ "#bin", "score", "exonCount", "cdsStartStat", "cdsEndStat", "exonFrames", ] } transcript_model = TranscriptModel( gene=gene, tr_id=tr_id, tr_name=tr_name, chrom=chrom, strand=strand, tx=tx, cds=cds, exons=exons, attributes=attributes, ) transcript_model.update_frames() gene_models.add_transcript_model(transcript_model) return True
[docs] def probe_header( infile: IO, expected_columns: list[str], comment: str | None = None, ) -> bool: """Probe gene models file header based on expected columns.""" df = pd.read_csv( infile, sep="\t", nrows=1, header=None, comment=comment) return list(df.iloc[0, :]) == expected_columns
[docs] def probe_columns( infile: IO, expected_columns: list[str], comment: str | None = None, ) -> bool: """Probe gene models file based on expected columns.""" df = pd.read_csv( infile, sep="\t", nrows=1, header=None, comment=comment) return cast(list[int], list(df.columns)) == \ list(range(len(expected_columns)))
[docs] def parse_raw( infile: IO, expected_columns: list[str], nrows: int | None = None, comment: str | None = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame | None: """Parse raw gene models data based on expected columns.""" if probe_header(infile, expected_columns, comment=comment): df = pd.read_csv(infile, sep="\t", nrows=nrows, comment=comment) assert list(df.columns) == expected_columns return df if probe_columns(infile, expected_columns, comment=comment): df = pd.read_csv( infile, sep="\t", nrows=nrows, header=None, names=expected_columns, comment=comment, ) assert list(df.columns) == expected_columns return df return None
[docs] def parse_ccds_gene_models_format( gene_models: GeneModels, infile: IO, gene_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None, nrows: int | None = None, ) -> bool: """Parse CCDS gene models file format.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals expected_columns = [ # CCDS is identical with RefSeq "#bin", "name", "chrom", "strand", "txStart", "txEnd", "cdsStart", "cdsEnd", "exonCount", "exonStarts", "exonEnds", "score", "name2", "cdsStartStat", "cdsEndStat", "exonFrames", ] df = parse_raw(infile, expected_columns, nrows=nrows) if df is None: return False records = df.to_dict(orient="records") transcript_ids_counter: dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) if gene_mapping: gene_models.alternative_names = copy.deepcopy(gene_mapping) for rec in records: gene = rec["name"] gene = gene_models.alternative_names.get(gene, gene) tr_name = rec["name"] chrom = rec["chrom"] strand = rec["strand"] tx = ( # pylint: disable=invalid-name int(rec["txStart"]) + 1, int(rec["txEnd"])) cds = (int(rec["cdsStart"]) + 1, int(rec["cdsEnd"])) exon_starts = list(map( int, rec["exonStarts"].strip(",").split(","))) exon_ends = list(map( int, rec["exonEnds"].strip(",").split(","))) assert len(exon_starts) == len(exon_ends) exons = [ Exon(start + 1, end) for start, end in zip(exon_starts, exon_ends, strict=True) ] transcript_ids_counter[tr_name] += 1 tr_id = f"{tr_name}_{transcript_ids_counter[tr_name]}" attributes = { k: rec[k] for k in [ "#bin", "score", "exonCount", "cdsStartStat", "cdsEndStat", "exonFrames", ] } transcript_model = TranscriptModel( gene=gene, tr_id=tr_id, tr_name=tr_name, chrom=chrom, strand=strand, tx=tx, cds=cds, exons=exons, attributes=attributes, ) transcript_model.update_frames() gene_models.add_transcript_model(transcript_model) return True
[docs] def parse_known_gene_models_format( gene_models: GeneModels, infile: IO, gene_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None, nrows: int | None = None, ) -> bool: """Parse known gene models file format.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-locals expected_columns = [ "name", "chrom", "strand", "txStart", "txEnd", "cdsStart", "cdsEnd", "exonCount", "exonStarts", "exonEnds", "proteinID", "alignID", ] df = parse_raw(infile, expected_columns, nrows=nrows) if df is None: return False records = df.to_dict(orient="records") transcript_ids_counter: dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) if gene_mapping: gene_models.alternative_names = copy.deepcopy(gene_mapping) for rec in records: gene = rec["name"] gene = gene_models.alternative_names.get(gene, gene) tr_name = rec["name"] chrom = rec["chrom"] strand = rec["strand"] tx = ( # pylint: disable=invalid-name int(rec["txStart"]) + 1, int(rec["txEnd"])) cds = (int(rec["cdsStart"]) + 1, int(rec["cdsEnd"])) exon_starts = list(map( int, rec["exonStarts"].strip(",").split(","))) exon_ends = list(map( int, rec["exonEnds"].strip(",").split(","))) assert len(exon_starts) == len(exon_ends) exons = [ Exon(start + 1, end) for start, end in zip(exon_starts, exon_ends, strict=True) ] transcript_ids_counter[tr_name] += 1 tr_id = f"{tr_name}_{transcript_ids_counter[tr_name]}" attributes = {k: rec[k] for k in ["proteinID", "alignID"]} transcript_model = TranscriptModel( gene=gene, tr_id=tr_id, tr_name=tr_name, chrom=chrom, strand=strand, tx=tx, cds=cds, exons=exons, attributes=attributes, ) transcript_model.update_frames() gene_models.add_transcript_model(transcript_model) return True
[docs] def parse_ucscgenepred_models_format( gene_models: GeneModels, infile: IO, gene_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None, nrows: int | None = None, ) -> bool: """Parse UCSC gene prediction models file fomrat. table genePred "A gene prediction." ( string name; "Name of gene" string chrom; "Chromosome name" char[1] strand; "+ or - for strand" uint txStart; "Transcription start position" uint txEnd; "Transcription end position" uint cdsStart; "Coding region start" uint cdsEnd; "Coding region end" uint exonCount; "Number of exons" uint[exonCount] exonStarts; "Exon start positions" uint[exonCount] exonEnds; "Exon end positions" ) table genePredExt "A gene prediction with some additional info." ( string name; "Name of gene (usually transcript_id from GTF)" string chrom; "Chromosome name" char[1] strand; "+ or - for strand" uint txStart; "Transcription start position" uint txEnd; "Transcription end position" uint cdsStart; "Coding region start" uint cdsEnd; "Coding region end" uint exonCount; "Number of exons" uint[exonCount] exonStarts; "Exon start positions" uint[exonCount] exonEnds; "Exon end positions" int score; "Score" string name2; "Alternate name (e.g. gene_id from GTF)" string cdsStartStat; "Status of CDS start annotation (none, unknown, incomplete, or complete)" string cdsEndStat; "Status of CDS end annotation (none, unknown, incomplete, or complete)" lstring exonFrames; "Exon frame offsets {0,1,2}" ) """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals expected_columns = [ "name", "chrom", "strand", "txStart", "txEnd", "cdsStart", "cdsEnd", "exonCount", "exonStarts", "exonEnds", "score", "name2", "cdsStartStat", "cdsEndStat", "exonFrames", ] df = parse_raw(infile, expected_columns[:10], nrows=nrows) if df is None: df = parse_raw(infile, expected_columns, nrows=nrows) if df is None: return False records = df.to_dict(orient="records") transcript_ids_counter: dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) if gene_mapping: gene_models.alternative_names = copy.deepcopy(gene_mapping) for rec in records: gene = rec.get("name2") if not gene: gene = rec["name"] gene = gene_models.alternative_names.get(gene, gene) tr_name = rec["name"] chrom = rec["chrom"] strand = rec["strand"] tx = ( # pylint: disable=invalid-name int(rec["txStart"]) + 1, int(rec["txEnd"])) cds = (int(rec["cdsStart"]) + 1, int(rec["cdsEnd"])) exon_starts = list(map( int, rec["exonStarts"].strip(",").split(","))) exon_ends = list(map( int, rec["exonEnds"].strip(",").split(","))) assert len(exon_starts) == len(exon_ends) exons = [ Exon(start + 1, end) for start, end in zip(exon_starts, exon_ends, strict=True) ] transcript_ids_counter[tr_name] += 1 tr_id = f"{tr_name}_{transcript_ids_counter[tr_name]}" attributes = {} for attr in expected_columns[10:]: if attr in rec: attributes[attr] = rec.get(attr) transcript_model = TranscriptModel( gene=gene, tr_id=tr_id, tr_name=tr_name, chrom=chrom, strand=strand, tx=tx, cds=cds, exons=exons, attributes=attributes, ) transcript_model.update_frames() gene_models.add_transcript_model(transcript_model) return True
def _parse_gtf_attributes(data: str) -> dict[str, str]: attributes = list( filter(lambda x: x, [a.strip() for a in data.split(";")]), ) result = {} for attr in attributes: key, value = attr.split(" ", maxsplit=1) result[key.strip()] = value.strip('"').strip() return result
[docs] def parse_gtf_gene_models_format( gene_models: GeneModels, infile: IO, gene_mapping: dict[str, str] | None = None, nrows: int | None = None, ) -> bool: """Parse GTF gene models file format.""" assert not gene_models.transcript_models # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements expected_columns = [ "seqname", "source", "feature", "start", "end", "score", "strand", "phase", "attributes", # "comments", ] df = parse_raw( infile, expected_columns, nrows=nrows, comment="#") if df is None: expected_columns.append("comment") df = parse_raw( infile, expected_columns, nrows=nrows, comment="#") if df is None: return False if gene_mapping: gene_models.alternative_names = copy.deepcopy(gene_mapping) records = df.to_dict(orient="records") for rec in records: feature = rec["feature"] if feature == "gene": continue attributes = _parse_gtf_attributes(rec["attributes"]) tr_id = attributes["transcript_id"] if feature in {"transcript", "Selenocysteine"}: if feature == "Selenocysteine" and \ tr_id in gene_models.transcript_models: continue if tr_id in gene_models.transcript_models: raise ValueError( f"{tr_id} of {feature} already in transcript models", ) gene = attributes["gene_name"] gene = gene_models.alternative_names.get(gene, gene) transcript_model = TranscriptModel( gene=gene, tr_id=tr_id, tr_name=tr_id, chrom=rec["seqname"], strand=rec["strand"], tx=(rec["start"], rec["end"]), cds=(rec["end"], rec["start"]), attributes=attributes, ) gene_models.add_transcript_model(transcript_model) continue if feature == "exon": if tr_id not in gene_models.transcript_models: raise ValueError( f"exon or CDS transcript {tr_id} not found " f"in transcript models", ) transcript_model = gene_models.transcript_models[tr_id] if feature == "exon": exon = Exon( rec["start"], rec["end"], frame=-1, ) transcript_model.exons.append(exon) continue if feature in {"UTR", "5UTR", "3UTR", "CDS"}: continue if feature in {"start_codon", "stop_codon"}: transcript_model = gene_models.transcript_models[tr_id] cds = transcript_model.cds transcript_model.cds = \ (min(cds[0], rec["start"]), max(cds[1], rec["end"])) continue raise ValueError( f"unknown feature {feature} found in gtf gene models") for transcript_model in gene_models.transcript_models.values(): transcript_model.exons = sorted( transcript_model.exons, key=lambda x: x.start) transcript_model.update_frames() return True
[docs] def load_gene_mapping(infile: IO) -> dict[str, str]: """Load alternative names for genes. Assume that its first line has two column names """ df = pd.read_csv(infile, sep="\t") assert len(df.columns) == 2 df = df.rename(columns={df.columns[0]: "tr_id", df.columns[1]: "gene"}) records = df.to_dict(orient="records") alt_names = {} for rec in records: rec = cast(dict, rec) alt_names[rec["tr_id"]] = rec["gene"] return alt_names
SUPPORTED_GENE_MODELS_FILE_FORMATS: set[str] = { "default", "refflat", "refseq", "ccds", "knowngene", "gtf", "ucscgenepred", }
[docs] def get_parser( fileformat: str, ) -> GeneModelsParser | None: """Get gene models parser based on file format.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements if fileformat == "default": return parse_default_gene_models_format if fileformat == "refflat": return parse_ref_flat_gene_models_format if fileformat == "refseq": return parse_ref_seq_gene_models_format if fileformat == "ccds": return parse_ccds_gene_models_format if fileformat == "knowngene": return parse_known_gene_models_format if fileformat == "gtf": return parse_gtf_gene_models_format if fileformat == "ucscgenepred": return parse_ucscgenepred_models_format return None
[docs] def infer_gene_model_parser( gene_models: GeneModels, infile: IO, file_format: str | None = None, ) -> str | None: """Infer gene models file format.""" if file_format is not None: parser = get_parser(file_format) if parser is not None: return file_format"going to infer gene models file format...") inferred_formats = [] for inferred_format in SUPPORTED_GENE_MODELS_FILE_FORMATS: gene_models.reset() parser = get_parser(inferred_format) if parser is None: continue try: logger.debug("trying file format: %s...", inferred_format) res = parser(gene_models, infile, None, 50) if res: inferred_formats.append(inferred_format) logger.debug( "gene models format %s matches input", inferred_format) except Exception as ex: # noqa: BLE001 pylint: disable=broad-except logger.debug( "file format %s does not match; %s", inferred_format, ex, exc_info=True) gene_models.reset()"inferred file formats: %s", inferred_formats) if len(inferred_formats) == 1: return inferred_formats[0] logger.error( "can't find gene model parser; " "inferred file formats are %s", inferred_formats) return None
[docs] def load_gene_models(gene_models: GeneModels) -> GeneModels: """Load gene models.""" resource = gene_models.resource filename = resource.get_config()["filename"] fileformat = resource.get_config().get("format", None) gene_mapping_filename = resource.get_config().get( "gene_mapping", None) gene_mapping = None if gene_mapping_filename is not None: compression = False if gene_mapping_filename.endswith(".gz"): compression = True with resource.open_raw_file( gene_mapping_filename, "rt", compression=compression) as gene_mapping_file: logger.debug( "loading gene mapping from %s", gene_mapping_filename) gene_mapping = load_gene_mapping(gene_mapping_file) logger.debug("loading gene models %s (%s)", filename, fileformat) compression = False if filename.endswith(".gz"): compression = True with resource.open_raw_file( filename, mode="rt", compression=compression) as infile: if fileformat is None: fileformat = infer_gene_model_parser(gene_models, infile)"infering gene models file format: %s", fileformat) if fileformat is None: logger.error( "can't infer gene models file format for " "%s...", resource.resource_id) raise ValueError("can't infer gene models file format") parser = get_parser(fileformat) if parser is None: logger.error( "Unsupported file format %s for " "gene model file %s.", fileformat, resource.resource_id) raise ValueError if not parser(gene_models, infile, gene_mapping, None): raise ValueError( f"Failed to parse gene models file {filename} " f"with format {fileformat}") return gene_models