from __future__ import annotations
from import Generator
from dae.genomic_resources.genomic_position_table.line import BigWigLine
from dae.genomic_resources.genomic_position_table.table import (
from dae.genomic_resources.repository import GenomicResource
from dae.utils.regions import Region
class BigWigTable(GenomicPositionTable):
"""bigWig format implementation of the genomic position table."""
def __init__(
genomic_resource: GenomicResource,
table_definition: dict,
super().__init__(genomic_resource, table_definition)
self._bw_file = None
self.chroms: dict[str, int] = {}
self._buffer: list[tuple[int, int, float]] = []
self._buffer_region: Region = Region("?", -1, -1)
self.direct_fetch_size = self.definition.get("direct_fetch_size", 50)
self.buffer_fetch_size = self.definition.get("buffer_fetch_size", 500)
self.use_buffered_threshold = \
self.definition.get("use_buffered_threshold", 500)
# this forces the initial fetch to be made directly
self._last_pos = -(self.use_buffered_threshold + 1)
def open(self) -> BigWigTable:
self._bw_file = self.genomic_resource.open_bigwig_file(
if self._bw_file is None:
raise OSError
self.chroms = self._bw_file.chroms()
return self
def close(self) -> None:
if self._bw_file is not None:
self._bw_file = None
def _fill(self, chrom: str, start: int, stop: int) -> None:
Attempts to fill the buffer with records for the given range.
Will fetch in ranges of length ``buffer_fetch_size`` starting from
``start`` until either results are found or ``stop`` is reached.
assert self._bw_file is not None
self._buffer = ()
self._buffer_region = Region("?", -1, -1)
chromlen = self.chroms[chrom]
range_start = start
range_stop = min(chromlen, range_start + self.buffer_fetch_size)
stop = min(stop, chromlen)
res = self._bw_file.intervals(chrom, range_start, range_stop)
while not res and range_stop < stop:
range_start = range_stop
range_stop = range_start + self.buffer_fetch_size
range_stop = min(chromlen, range_stop)
res = self._bw_file.intervals(chrom, range_start, range_stop)
self._buffer = res or []
if res:
self._buffer_region = Region(
self._buffer[0][0] + 1,
def _find(self, chrom: str, pos_begin: int, pos_end: int) -> int:
def _left_right_helper(
q_start: int, q_stop: int,
start: int, stop: int,
) -> int:
if q_stop <= start:
return -1
if q_start >= stop:
return 1
return 0
query = Region(chrom, pos_begin + 1, pos_end)
if not query.intersects(self._buffer_region):
return -1
# do binary search on buffer, get idx
idx: int = len(self._buffer) // 2
l_bound = 0
r_bound = len(self._buffer) - 1
while l_bound <= r_bound:
idx = (r_bound + l_bound) // 2
line = self._buffer[idx]
res = _left_right_helper(
pos_begin, pos_end, line[0], line[1])
if res == 1:
l_bound = idx + 1
elif res == -1:
r_bound = idx - 1
elif res == 0:
if idx == 0:
return idx
prevline = self._buffer[idx - 1]
subres = _left_right_helper(
pos_begin, pos_end, prevline[0], prevline[1])
if subres == 0:
r_bound = idx - 1
return idx
return idx
def _fetch_buffered(
self, chrom: str, pos_begin: int, pos_end: int,
) -> Generator[tuple[int, int, float], None, None]:
pos_current = pos_begin
idx = self._find(chrom, pos_begin, pos_begin + 1)
if idx == -1:
self._fill(chrom, pos_begin, pos_end)
idx = self._find(chrom, pos_begin, pos_begin + 1)
if idx == -1:
# there's no direct match for (pos_begin, pos_begin + 1), but
# we set the idx to 0 anyways since there might be something
# in the buffer to yield (since _fill is called with pos_end)
idx = 0
while self._buffer:
line = self._buffer[idx]
if line[0] + 1 > pos_end:
yield (line[0] + 1, line[1], line[2])
pos_current = line[1]
if pos_current >= pos_end:
idx += 1
if idx == len(self._buffer):
self._fill(chrom, pos_current, pos_end)
idx = 0
def _fetch_direct(
self, chrom: str, pos_begin: int, pos_end: int,
) -> Generator[tuple[int, int, float], None, None]:
assert self._bw_file is not None
chrom_len = self.chroms[chrom]
pos_end = min(pos_end, chrom_len)
start = pos_begin
stop = min(start + self.direct_fetch_size, pos_end)
while start < pos_end:
intervals = self._bw_file.intervals(chrom, start, stop)
while intervals is None:
start = stop
stop = min(start + self.direct_fetch_size, pos_end)
if start >= pos_end:
intervals = self._bw_file.intervals(chrom, start, stop)
start = intervals[-1][1]
stop = min(start + self.direct_fetch_size, pos_end)
for interval in intervals:
yield (interval[0] + 1, interval[1], interval[2])
def get_records_in_region(
chrom: str,
pos_begin: int | None = None,
pos_end: int | None = None,
) -> Generator[BigWigLine, None, None]:
fchrom = self._map_file_chrom(chrom)
if fchrom not in self.chroms:
raise KeyError
if pos_begin is None:
pos_begin = 0
if pos_end is None:
pos_end = self.chroms[fchrom]
pos_begin = max(0, pos_begin - 1)
fetch_method = self._fetch_buffered \
if pos_begin - self._last_pos <= self.use_buffered_threshold \
else self._fetch_direct
self._last_pos = pos_begin
for interval in fetch_method(fchrom, pos_begin, pos_end):
yield BigWigLine((chrom, *interval))
def get_all_records(self) -> Generator[BigWigLine, None, None]:
assert self._bw_file is not None
for chrom in self.get_chromosomes():
yield from self.get_records_in_region(chrom)
def get_chromosome_length(
self, chrom: str, _step: int = 100_000_000,
) -> int:
assert self._bw_file is not None
if chrom not in self.get_chromosomes():
raise ValueError(
f"contig {chrom} not present in the table's contigs: "
fchrom = self._map_file_chrom(chrom)
if fchrom is None:
raise ValueError(
f"error in mapping chromsome {chrom} to the file contigs: "
if fchrom not in self.get_file_chromosomes():
raise ValueError(
f"contig {fchrom} not present in the file's contigs: "
return self.chroms[fchrom]
def get_file_chromosomes(self) -> list[str]:
assert self._bw_file is not None
return list(self.chroms.keys())