Source code for dae.genomic_resources.implementations.reference_genome_impl

from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
import textwrap
from typing import Any

import yaml
from jinja2 import Template

from dae.genomic_resources import GenomicResource
from dae.genomic_resources.reference_genome import (
from dae.genomic_resources.resource_implementation import (
from dae.genomic_resources.statistics.base_statistic import Statistic
from dae.task_graph.graph import Task, TaskGraph

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class GenomeStatisticsMixin: """Mixin for reference genome statistics access."""
[docs] @staticmethod def get_global_statistic_file() -> str: return "reference_genome_statistic.yaml"
[docs] @staticmethod def get_chrom_file(chrom: str) -> str: return f"{chrom}_statistic.yaml"
[docs] class ReferenceGenomeStatistics( ResourceStatistics, GenomeStatisticsMixin, ): """Class for accessing reference genome statistics.""" def __init__( self, resource_id: str, global_statistic: GenomeStatistic, chrom_statistics: dict[str, ChromosomeStatistic]): super().__init__(resource_id) self.global_statistic = global_statistic self.chrom_statistics = chrom_statistics
[docs] @staticmethod def build_statistics( genomic_resource: GenomicResource, ) -> ReferenceGenomeStatistics | None: """Load reference genome statistics.""" chrom_statistics = {} try: global_stat_filepath = os.path.join( ReferenceGenomeStatistics.get_statistics_folder(), ReferenceGenomeStatistics.get_global_statistic_file(), ) with genomic_resource.open_raw_file( global_stat_filepath, mode="r") as infile: global_statistic = GenomeStatistic.deserialize( for chrom in global_statistic.chromosomes: chrom_stat_filepath = os.path.join( ReferenceGenomeStatistics.get_statistics_folder(), ReferenceGenomeStatistics.get_chrom_file(chrom), ) with genomic_resource.open_raw_file( chrom_stat_filepath, mode="r") as infile: chrom_statistics[chrom] = ChromosomeStatistic.deserialize(, ) except FileNotFoundError: logger.exception( "Couldn't load statistics of %s", genomic_resource.resource_id, ) return None return ReferenceGenomeStatistics( genomic_resource.resource_id, global_statistic, chrom_statistics, )
[docs] class ChromosomeStatistic(Statistic): """Class for individual chromosome statistics.""" def __init__( self, chromosome: str, length: int = 0, nucleotide_counts: dict[str, int] | None = None, nucleotide_pair_counts: dict[str, int] | None = None, ): super().__init__(chromosome, "Reference genome chromosome stats") if nucleotide_counts is None: self.nucleotide_counts = { "A": 0, "G": 0, "C": 0, "T": 0, "N": 0, } else: assert set( nucleotide_counts.keys(), ) == {"A", "G", "C", "T", "N"} self.nucleotide_counts = nucleotide_counts nucleotides = ["A", "G", "C", "T", "N"] pairs = map("".join, itertools.product(nucleotides, nucleotides)) if nucleotide_pair_counts is None: self.nucleotide_pair_counts = dict.fromkeys(pairs, 0) else: assert set(nucleotide_pair_counts.keys()) == set(pairs) self.nucleotide_pair_counts = nucleotide_pair_counts self.nucleotide_distribution: dict[str, float] = {} self.bi_nucleotide_distribution: dict[str, float] = {} self.last_nuc = "" self.length = length def _add_nucleotide(self, nuc: str) -> None: assert nuc is not None if nuc not in self.nucleotide_counts: logger.warning( "unexpected nucleotide <%s> in chromosome <%s>", nuc, self.statistic_id) return self.nucleotide_counts[nuc] += 1 self.length += 1 def _add_nucleotide_tuple( self, nuc1: str | None, nuc2: str) -> None: if nuc1 is None: return assert nuc1 is not None assert nuc2 is not None pair = f"{nuc1}{nuc2}" if pair not in self.nucleotide_pair_counts: return self.nucleotide_pair_counts[pair] += 1
[docs] def add_value(self, value: tuple[str | None, str]) -> None: prev, current = value self._add_nucleotide(current) self._add_nucleotide_tuple(prev, current)
[docs] def merge(self, other: Statistic) -> None: assert isinstance(other, ChromosomeStatistic) local_keys = set(self.nucleotide_counts.keys()) other_keys = set(other.nucleotide_counts.keys()) matching_keys = local_keys.intersection(other_keys) missing_keys = other_keys.difference(local_keys) for k in matching_keys: self.nucleotide_counts[k] += other.nucleotide_counts[k] for k in missing_keys: self.nucleotide_counts[k] = other.nucleotide_counts[k] local_keys = set(self.nucleotide_pair_counts.keys()) other_keys = set(other.nucleotide_pair_counts.keys()) matching_keys = local_keys.intersection(other_keys) missing_keys = other_keys.difference(local_keys) for k in matching_keys: self.nucleotide_pair_counts[k] += other.nucleotide_pair_counts[k] for k in missing_keys: self.nucleotide_pair_counts[k] = other.nucleotide_pair_counts[k] self.length += other.length
[docs] def finish(self) -> None: for nucleotide, count in self.nucleotide_counts.items(): self.nucleotide_distribution[nucleotide] = \ count / self.length * 100 total_pairs = sum(self.nucleotide_pair_counts.values()) for pair, count in self.nucleotide_pair_counts.items(): if total_pairs == 0: self.bi_nucleotide_distribution[pair] = 0.0 else: self.bi_nucleotide_distribution[pair] = \ count * 100.0 / total_pairs
[docs] def serialize(self) -> str: return yaml.dump( { "chrom": self.statistic_id, "length": self.length, "nucleotide_counts": self.nucleotide_counts, "nucleotide_pair_counts": self.nucleotide_pair_counts, }, )
[docs] @staticmethod def deserialize(content: str) -> ChromosomeStatistic: res = yaml.safe_load(content) stat = ChromosomeStatistic( res["chrom"], length=res.get("length"), nucleotide_counts=res.get("nucleotide_counts"), nucleotide_pair_counts=res.get("nucleotide_pair_counts"), ) stat.finish() return stat
[docs] class GenomeStatistic(Statistic): """Class for the global reference genome statistic.""" def __init__( self, chromosomes: list[str], length: int = 0, nucleotide_distribution: dict[str, float] | None = None, bi_nucleotide_distribution: dict[str, float] | None = None, chromosome_statistics: dict[str, ChromosomeStatistic] | None = None, ): super().__init__("global", "") self.chromosomes = chromosomes self.length = 0 if chromosome_statistics is not None: self.chromosome_statistics = chromosome_statistics self.nucleotide_distribution: dict[str, Any] = {} self.bi_nucleotide_distribution: dict[str, Any] = {} self.finish() else: self.chromosome_statistics = {} if nucleotide_distribution is None: self.nucleotide_distribution = {} else: self.nucleotide_distribution = nucleotide_distribution if bi_nucleotide_distribution is None: self.bi_nucleotide_distribution = {} else: self.bi_nucleotide_distribution = bi_nucleotide_distribution self.length = length @property def chrom_count(self) -> int: return len(self.chromosomes)
[docs] def add_value(self, value: Any) -> None: assert isinstance(value, ChromosomeStatistic) self.chromosome_statistics[value.statistic_id] = value
[docs] def finish(self) -> None: total_nucs = 0 total_nucleotide_counts = { "A": 0, "G": 0, "C": 0, "T": 0, "N": 0, } nucleotides = ["A", "G", "C", "T", "N"] pairs = map("".join, itertools.product(nucleotides, nucleotides)) total_pair_counts = dict.fromkeys(pairs, 0) total_pairs = 0 for statistic in self.chromosome_statistics.values(): total_nucs += statistic.length for nuc, count in statistic.nucleotide_counts.items(): total_nucleotide_counts[nuc] += count for pair, count in statistic.nucleotide_pair_counts.items(): total_pairs += count total_pair_counts[pair] += count self.length = total_nucs for nuc, count in total_nucleotide_counts.items(): self.nucleotide_distribution[nuc] = count / total_nucs * 100 for pair, count in total_pair_counts.items(): self.bi_nucleotide_distribution[pair] = count / total_pairs * 100
[docs] def merge(self, other: Statistic) -> None: # noqa: ARG002 return
[docs] def serialize(self) -> str: return yaml.dump({ "chromosomes": self.chromosomes, "length": self.length, "nucleotide_distribution": self.nucleotide_distribution, "bi_nucleotide_distribution": self.bi_nucleotide_distribution, })
[docs] @staticmethod def deserialize(content: str) -> GenomeStatistic: res = yaml.safe_load(content) return GenomeStatistic( res["chromosomes"], length=res.get("length"), nucleotide_distribution=res.get("nucleotide_distribution"), bi_nucleotide_distribution=res.get("bi_nucleotide_distribution"), )
[docs] class ReferenceGenomeImplementation( GenomicResourceImplementation, InfoImplementationMixin, ): """Resource implementation for reference genome.""" def __init__(self, resource: GenomicResource): super().__init__(resource) self.reference_genome = build_reference_genome_from_resource(resource) @property def files(self) -> set[str]: config = self.resource.get_config() file_name = config["filename"] index_file_name = config.get("index_file", f"{file_name}.fai") return {file_name, index_file_name}
[docs] def get_template(self) -> Template: return Template(textwrap.dedent(""" {% extends base %} {% block extra_styles %} #chromosomes-table { border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; } #chromosomes-table th { border-top: 1px solid; border-bottom: 1px solid; border-right: 1px solid; } #chromosomes-table td { border-bottom: 1px solid; border-right: 1px solid; } #chromosomes-table th:first-child, #chromosomes-table td:first-child { border-left: 1px solid; } #chromosomes-table thead tr:nth-of-type(2) th { border-top: none; } #chromosomes-table thead { position: sticky; top: 0; background-color: white; } {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% if data["chrom_prefix"] %} <p>chrom prefix: {{ data["chrom_prefix"] }}</p> {% endif %} {% if data["PARS"] %} <h3>Pseudoautosomal regions:</h6> {% if data["PARS"]["X"] %} <p>X chromosome:</p> <ul> {% for region in data["PARS"]["X"] %} <li>{{region}}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endif %} {% if data["PARS"]["Y"] %} <p>Y chromosome: </p> <ul> {% for region in data["PARS"]["Y"] %} <li>{{region}}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endif %} {% endif %} <h3>Genome statistics:</h3> <h3>{{ "Chromosomes ({0}):".format(data["chromosomes"]|length) }}</h3> <div style="max-height: 50%; overflow-y: auto; width: fit-content; margin-bottom: 14px;"> <table id="chromosomes-table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Chrom</th> <th>Length</th> {% for nucleotide in ["A", "T", "C", "G", "N"] %} <th>{{ nucleotide }}</th> {% endfor %} </tr> <tr> <th>Global</th> <td>{{ '{:,}'.format(data["global_statistic"]["length"]) }}</td> {% for nucleotide in ["A", "T", "C", "G", "N"] %} <td>{{ "%0.2f%%" % data["global_statistic"]["nuc_distribution"][nucleotide] }}</td> {% endfor %} </tr> </thead> {%- for chrom, length in data["chromosomes"] -%} <tr> <td>{{ chrom }}</td> <td>{{ '{:,}'.format(length) }}</td> {% for nucleotide in ["A", "T", "C", "G", "N"] %} {% if data["chrom_statistics"].get(chrom) %} <td>{{ "%0.2f%%" % data["chrom_statistics"].get(chrom).nucleotide_distribution.get(nucleotide) }}</td> {% else %} <td></td> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </tr> {%- endfor -%} </table> </div> {% if data["global_statistic"] %} <h4>Bi-Nucleotide distribution:</h4> <table border="1"> <tr> <th>{{ nucleotide }}</th> {% for nucleotide in ["A", "T", "C", "G", "N"] %} <th>{{ nucleotide }}</th> {% endfor %} </tr> {% for first_nucleotide in ["A", "T", "C", "G", "N"] %} <tr> <th>{{ first_nucleotide }}</th> {% for second_nucleotide in ["A", "T", "C", "G", "N"] %} <td>{{ "%0.2f%%" % data["global_statistic"]["bi_nuc_distribution"].get(first_nucleotide + second_nucleotide) }}</td> {% endfor %} </tr> {% endfor %} </table> {% endif %} {% endblock %} """)) # noqa: E501
def _get_template_data(self) -> dict[str, Any]: info = copy.deepcopy(self.config) info["chromosomes"] = list( self.reference_genome.get_all_chrom_lengths().items()) info["global_statistic"] = {} info["chrom_statistics"] = {} statistics = self.get_statistics() if statistics is None: info["global_statistic"]["length"] = None info["global_statistic"]["nuc_distribution"] = None info["global_statistic"]["bi_nuc_distribution"] = None info["global_statistic"]["chromosome_statistics"] = None else: global_statistic = statistics.global_statistic info["global_statistic"]["length"] = global_statistic.length info["global_statistic"]["nuc_distribution"] = \ global_statistic.nucleotide_distribution info["global_statistic"]["bi_nuc_distribution"] = \ global_statistic.bi_nucleotide_distribution info["chrom_statistics"] = statistics.chrom_statistics return info
[docs] def get_info(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: # noqa: ARG002 return InfoImplementationMixin.get_info(self)
[docs] def get_statistics_info(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: # noqa: ARG002 return InfoImplementationMixin.get_statistics_info(self)
[docs] def calc_info_hash(self) -> bytes: return b"placeholder"
[docs] def calc_statistics_hash(self) -> bytes: manifest = self.resource.get_manifest() config = self.get_config() genome_filename = config["filename"] return json.dumps({ "score_file": manifest[genome_filename].md5, }, sort_keys=True, indent=2).encode()
[docs] def add_statistics_build_tasks( self, task_graph: TaskGraph, **kwargs: Any, ) -> list[Task]: region_size = kwargs.get("region_size", 1_000_000) if region_size > 0: return self._multitask_statistics(task_graph, **kwargs) return [ task_graph.create_task( f"{self.resource.resource_id}_calc_statistics", ReferenceGenomeImplementation._singletask_statistics, [self.resource], [], ), ]
@staticmethod def _singletask_statistics(resource: GenomicResource) -> GenomeStatistic: impl = build_reference_genome_from_resource(resource) statistics = [] for chrom in impl.chromosomes: stat = ReferenceGenomeImplementation._do_chrom_statistic( resource, chrom, 1, None) ReferenceGenomeImplementation._save_chrom_statistic( resource, chrom, stat) statistics.append(stat) return ReferenceGenomeImplementation._do_global_statistic( resource, *statistics) def _multitask_statistics( self, task_graph: TaskGraph, **kwargs: Any) -> list[Task]: tasks = [] region_size = kwargs.get("region_size", 1_000_000) chrom_save_tasks = [] with for chrom in self.reference_genome.chromosomes: _, _, chrom_save_task = self._add_chrom_stats_tasks( task_graph, chrom, region_size, ) chrom_save_tasks.append(chrom_save_task) tasks.extend(chrom_save_tasks) tasks.append(self._add_global_stat_task(task_graph, chrom_save_tasks)) return tasks def _add_chrom_stats_tasks( self, task_graph: TaskGraph, chrom: str, region_size: int, ) -> tuple[list[Task], Task, Task]: chrom_tasks = [] regions = self.reference_genome.split_into_regions(region_size, chrom) chrom_tasks = [ task_graph.create_task( f"{self.resource.resource_id}_count_nucleotides_" f"{reg}", ReferenceGenomeImplementation._do_chrom_statistic, [self.resource, reg.chrom, reg.start, reg.end], [], ) for reg in regions ] merge_task = task_graph.create_task( f"{self.resource.resource_id}_merge_chrom_statistics_{chrom}", ReferenceGenomeImplementation._merge_chrom_statistics, [*chrom_tasks], chrom_tasks, ) save_task = task_graph.create_task( f"{self.resource.resource_id}_save_chrom_statistics_{chrom}", ReferenceGenomeImplementation._save_chrom_statistic, [self.resource, chrom, merge_task], [merge_task], ) return chrom_tasks, merge_task, save_task def _add_global_stat_task( self, task_graph: TaskGraph, chrom_stats_save_tasks: list[Task], ) -> Task: return task_graph.create_task( f"{self.resource.resource_id}_save_chrom_statistics", ReferenceGenomeImplementation._do_global_statistic, [self.resource, *chrom_stats_save_tasks], chrom_stats_save_tasks, ) @staticmethod def _do_chrom_statistic( resource: GenomicResource, chrom: str, start: int, end: int | None, ) -> ChromosomeStatistic: impl = build_reference_genome_from_resource(resource) statistic = ChromosomeStatistic(chrom) with if start == 1: prev: str | None = None else: prev = impl.get_sequence(chrom, start - 1, start) for nuc in impl.fetch(chrom, start, end): statistic.add_value((prev, nuc)) prev = nuc statistic.finish() return statistic @staticmethod def _merge_chrom_statistics( *chrom_tasks: ChromosomeStatistic, ) -> ChromosomeStatistic: final_statistic: ChromosomeStatistic | None = None for chrom_task_result in chrom_tasks: if final_statistic is None: final_statistic = chrom_task_result else: final_statistic.merge(chrom_task_result) assert final_statistic is not None return final_statistic @staticmethod def _save_chrom_statistic( resource: GenomicResource, chrom: str, merged_statistic: ChromosomeStatistic, ) -> ChromosomeStatistic: proto = resource.proto if merged_statistic is None: logger.warning("Chrom statistic for %s is None", chrom) return {chrom: None} with proto.open_raw_file( resource, f"{ReferenceGenomeStatistics.get_statistics_folder()}" f"/{ReferenceGenomeStatistics.get_chrom_file(chrom)}", mode="wt", ) as outfile: outfile.write(merged_statistic.serialize()) return merged_statistic @staticmethod def _do_global_statistic( resource: GenomicResource, *chrom_save_tasks: ChromosomeStatistic, ) -> GenomeStatistic: impl = build_reference_genome_from_resource(resource) with statistic = GenomeStatistic(impl.chromosomes) for chrom_statistic in chrom_save_tasks: statistic.add_value(chrom_statistic) statistic.finish() proto = resource.proto with proto.open_raw_file( resource, f"{ReferenceGenomeStatistics.get_statistics_folder()}" f"/{ReferenceGenomeStatistics.get_global_statistic_file()}", mode="wt", ) as outfile: outfile.write(statistic.serialize()) return statistic
[docs] def get_statistics(self) -> ReferenceGenomeStatistics | None: return ReferenceGenomeStatistics.build_statistics(self.resource)