Phenotype Database Tools

Importing a phenotype database for use with the GPF system can be done either with an import project configuration or with the help of the pheno_import tool.

Either of these will produce a DuckDB database containing the phenotype data.

Importing via import project configuration

The import project configuration is a YAML-formatted text file which describes how the phenotype data should be imported. This configuration is then passed to the import_tools_pheno CLI tool, which will take care of carrying out the import.

Import project configuration format

  • id - the name of the produced DB file and the phenotype data ID which will be generated.

  • input_dir - the root directory to which all other paths in the config (with the exception of output_dir) are considered relative to.

  • output_dir - the directory in which to produce the output.

  • instrument_files - a list of paths to instrument files and/or directories that contain instrument files. Shell-like wildcards with * can be used.

  • pedigree - path to the pedigree file to use for import.

  • person_column - the name of the column containing the person ID in the instrument CSV files. All files are expected to use the same column name for person IDs.

  • tab_separated - whether the instrument files use tabs for delimiters. The default value is False.

  • skip_pedigree_measure - flag to skip the building of the pheno common instrument. The default value is False.

  • data_dictionary - a nested configuration specifying the sources for measure descriptions. Optional.

  • inference_config - the configuration to use for measure type inference. Can be either a path to a YAML-formatted configuration file or a directly embedded configuration. Optional.

  • regression_config - the configuration to use for building regressions. Can be either a path to a YAML or TOML-formatted configuration file or a directly embedded configuration. Optional.

Data dictionary config fields

  • file - path to a data dictionary file. Optional.

  • instrument_files - list of paths to separate data dictionary files. Optional.

  • dictionary - directly-embedded data dictionary. Optional.

If the same measure is found in multiple sources, the priority is in the following order: dictionary, instrument_files, file.

Regression config fields

  • instrument_name

  • measure_name

  • jitter

  • display_name

Inference config fields

For further information about each field, see Measure classification and Inference parameters.

  • min_individuals

  • non_numeric_cutoff

  • value_max_len

  • continuous

  • ordinal

  • categorical

  • skip

  • value_type

  • histogram_type

Example import project configuration

id: pheno_data_id
input_dir: /home/user/pheno_data
  - work/instruments
  - work/some_instrument.csv
  - work/more_instruments/**/*.txt
pedigree: work/pedigree.ped
person_column: subject_id
tab_separated: False
skip_pedigree_measures: False
  file: work/data_dictionary.csv
    - work/instruments/data_dict_1.csv
    - work/instruments/data_dict_2.csv
      measure_1: "description of a measure"
      measure_2: "another description of a measure"
inference_config: work/inference.conf
    display_name: age
    instrument_name: pheno_common
    jitter: 0.1
    measure_name: age_measure
    display_name: measure number one
    instrument_name: instrument_1
    jitter: 0.1
    measure_name: measure_1
output_dir: /home/user/pheno_result

Running the import_tools_pheno CLI tool

The import_tools_pheno tool accepts the YAML-formatted import project configuration, as well as parameters relating to the usage of Dask:

$ import_tools_pheno --help
bash: line 1: import_tools_pheno: command not found

Importing via pheno_import tool

Alternatively, the pheno_import CLI tool can be used to import phenotype data. It takes a number of parameters to describe and configure the data being imported, but is less flexible compared to the import project configuration.

To import a phenotype database, you will need the following files:

  • A pedigree file which contains information regarding evaluated individuals and their family.

  • A directory containing instruments in the form of CSV (default) or TSV files (using the -T option).

  • A data dictionary in the form of a TSV file. (Optional)

  • A configuration for phenotype regressions. (Optional)

To import the phenotype database into the GPF system you need to use the pheno_import tool:

pheno_import \
    -p pedigree.ped \
    -i instruments/ \
    --data-dictionary data_dictionary.tsv \
    -o output_pheno_db.db
  • -p option specifies the pedigree file to use.

  • -i option specifies the directory where instruments are located; This directory can contain subdirectories which can contain more subdirectories or instrument files. The instrument name is determined by the filename of the instrument CSV file. The tool looks for all .csv files under the given directory and will collect a list of files for every unique instrument found among all of the subdirectories. Multiple same named files in multiple directories will get merged and read as a single one by DuckDB’s read_csv function.

  • -o option specifies the output directory where the database and images will be created. The output directory will also contain Parquet files for each of the database tables created.

  • --pheno-id option specifies the name of the produced DB file and the phenotype data ID which will be generated. This parameter is required.

  • --data-dictionary option specifies the name of a data dictionary file for the phenotype database.

  • --regression option specifies the regression configuration file.

  • --person-column specifies the name of the column containing the person ID in the instrument CSV files. All files are expected to use the same column name for person IDs.

  • --tab-separated option specifies that the instrument CSV files use tabs as delimiters.

  • -j option specifies the amount of workers to create when running Dask tasks.

  • -d option specifies the Dask task status directory used for storing task results and statuses.

  • --force option forces Dask tasks to ignore cached task results and enables overwriting existing phenotype databases in the output directory.

You can use -h option to see all options supported by the pheno_import tool.

The data dictionary file

The data dictionary is a file containing descriptions for measures. It must be a TSV file with a header row and the following four columns:

  • instrumentName

  • measureName

  • measureId

  • description

The measure ID is formed by joining the instrument name and the measure name with a dot character (e.g. instrument1.measure1).

Measure classification

Each measure in the study is classified into one of four types: continuous, ordinal, categorical and raw. The raw measure type is reserved for measures, which could not be classified or did not fit any classification or has no values. The measure type is determined by the inference configuration that is used by the import tool. The inference configuration file is a YAML dictionary of string based scopes to inference configurations. The configuration format allows setting a scope for a specific rule to apply to different measures and instruments. The format scopes follow an order of specificity to determine the final configuration used for a given measure. The supported types of scopes (in order of specificity) are the following:

  • *.* - Wildcard for all measures in all instruments

  • ala.* - Affects all measures in the instrument ala.

  • *.bala - Affects the measure bala in any instrument.

  • ala.bala - Affects the measure bala in the instrument ala.

Example configuration (default configuration):

    min_individuals: 1
    non_numeric_cutoff: 0.06
    value_max_len: 32
      min_rank: 10
      min_rank: 1
      min_rank: 1
      max_rank: 15
    skip: false
    measure_type: null

A more advanced example:

    min_individuals: 1
    non_numeric_cutoff: 0.06
    value_max_len: 32
      min_rank: 10
      min_rank: 1
      min_rank: 1
      max_rank: 15
    skip: false
    measure_type: null
    min_individuals: 2
    non_numeric_cutoff: 0.12

In this example, any measure outside of the instrument ala, that is not named bala, will have the confiugration under "*.*". Any measures named bala outside of ala will have a non_numeric_cutoff of 0.12 and a min_individuals of 1, any inside ala will have min_individuals set to 2.

Inference parameters

  • min_individuals - The minimum amount of people in the instrument required for its measures to be classified, any amount under this will classify all instrument measures as raw.

  • non_numeric_cutoff - The fraction of values required to be non-numeric in order for a measure to be considered non-numeric. A cutoff of 0.06 means that if the amount of non-numeric values in the measure is below 6%, then the measure is considered numeric.

  • continuous.min_rank - The amount of unique numeric values in a measure required for a measure to be classified as continuous.

  • ordinal.min_rank - The amount of unique numeric values in a measure required for a measure to be classified as ordinal. The check for ordinal is done after continuous, and the value of continuous.min_rank should be larger than ordinal.min_rank.

  • categorical.min_rank/max_rank - In order for a measure to be classified as categorical, the measure first has to be determined as non-numeric and the amount of unique values in the measure must be between cateogrical.min_rank and categorical.max_rank.

  • skip - Whether to skip this measure (Skipped measure are not imported at all and absent from the final table, unlike measures classified as raw)

  • value_type: Force a value type onto the measure. This skips the classification step, but not the statistics. The value of measure type should be a string or left as null or preferably omitted from the configuration if unused, as the default value is null. The valid string values are: raw, categorical, ordinal and continuous.

How classification works

The measure classification works through the inference_reference_impl function.

The function takes a list of string values and a merged inference configuration.

The classification first creates a classification report and then iterates through the entire list, collecting unique values, counting None values and attempting to cast every value into a float. On success, the value is added to the list of numeric values, otherwise None is added to the list of numeric values.

Afterwards, with the collected values and counts through iteration, the following values are set in the report:

  • The total count of non-null values

  • The total count of null values

  • The total count of numeric values

  • The total count of non-numeric values

  • The total amount of unique values

  • The total amount of unique numeric values

The measure type is then classified according to the inference configuration:

  • First, the amount of values is checked against min_individuals - if it has less values than min_individuals, the type is raw.

  • Then, the fraction of non-numeric values is calculated and compared against non_numeric_cutoff.

  • If the measure is numeric, it is first checked for continuous, then ordinal, if both fail, then the measure type is raw.

  • If the measure is non-numeric, it is checked for categorical and if it does not pass, the measure type is raw.

After determining the measure type, numeric measures will get min_value, max_value and values_domain values assigned in the report, and non-numeric measures will get values_domain assigned.

If the measure is numeric, the function returns the list of numeric values and the report, otherwise it returns the normal untransformed list of string values and the report.