Import Tools

What is Import Tools

Import Tools is the new way to import studies into seqpipe. Import Tools allows for studies to be imported in one step without the need to generate Snakefiles and execute those in another step. The study and the arguments used to import it are described in a single yaml config file. The config file is general enough and can be commited in a source code repository allowing other team members to use it.

Import Tools assumes input data has already been massaged into a format supported by seqpipe.

Import Tools config files

Import Tools config files has a relatively simple structure. In their simple form they consist of 3 sections: - Input section: describing the input files. Files like the pedigree file, vcf files and the configuration options required to read these files successfully. - Processing config: describing how the input is supposed to be handled and processed. - Destination: describing where to store the generated data. For example this could be an impala table. This section also includes the partition_description.

Import Tools configuration format

    my_dir: "..."


    file: "external file defining input"

        file: %(my_dir)s/SFARI_SPARK_WES_2.ped
        dad: fatherId
        mom: motherId
        status: affected

            - wes2_15995_exome.gatk.vcf.gz
        denovo_mode: ignore
        omission_mode: ignore
        add_chrom_prefix: chr

            - wes2_merged_cohFreq_Cut17_final_v1_ALL_042921_GPF.tsv.txt
        persion_id: spid
        chrom: chrom
        pos: pos
        ref: ref
        alt: alt
        add_chrom_prefix: chr

    vcf: single_bucket
    vcf: chromsome
        chromosomes: ['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3', ..., 'chr22', 'chrX', 'chrY']
        chromosomes: ['autosomes', 'chrX', 'chrM']
        region_length: 100M
    work_dir: ""

(optional by default use default gpf_instance)
    path: ...

(optional by default use gpf_instance annotation pipeline-a)
    gpf_pipeline: ""
    file: ""

(optional by default use the default storage of the gpf instance)
    storage_id: "id in gpf_instance"
    storage_type: impala
    storage_type: impala
    id: storage_id
        base_dir: "/user/impala_schema_1/studies"
        host: seqclust0
        port: 8020
        replication: 1
        db: "impala_schema_1"
            - seqclust0
            - seqclust1
            - seqclust2
        port: 21050
        pool_size: 3

    vcf: 30M

        chromosomes: ['autosomes', chrX]  # All chromosomes not explicitly listed are grouped into 'other'.
        region_length: 30M   # this is optional. If ommitted, one region_per chromosome is created.
    family_bin:  # creates family_bin partition.
                 # Families are randomly split into groups of size bin_size.
        bin_size: 10
    frequency_bin:   # creates frequency_bin partition:
                     #    0 - de novo, 1 - ultra-rare,
                     #    2 rare (frequency less than the rare_boundary),
                     #    3 - common (frequency more than the rare_boundary)
        rare_boundary: 5
    coding_bin:      # creates coding_bin: 1 - coding, 0 - non-coding
        coding_effect_types: "splice-site,frame-shift,nonsense,no-frame-shift-newStop,noStart,noEnd,missense,no-frame-shift,CDS,synonymous,coding_unknown,regulatory,3'UTR,5'UTR"
        chromosomes: ['autosomes', chrX]
        rare_boundary: 5

input is the section where we describe the input files. It is devided into subsections for each input type (vcf, denovo and so on). All files are relative to the input_dir. The input_dir is itself relative to the directory where the config file is located. input_dir is options, if unspecified then every file would be relative to the config file’s directory. If the input configuration is in an external file then input file paths will be relative to the external file.

processing_config is where we describe how to split input files into smaller buckets for parallel processing. single_bucket means that the entire input will be processed in a single task without spliting it into smaller parts. chromosome or a list of chromosomes means that each chromosome will be processed in parallel. If region_length is specified then each chromosome will be split into regions with length region_length and all such regions will be processed in parallel. work_dir is the location where parquet files will be generated. If missing then the current working directory is used.

For any set of input files (denovo, vcf and so on) if the corresponding section in processing_config is missing then the default value for bucket generation is single_bucket.

gpf_instance is an optional section that allows you to specify a gpf instance configuration file.

annotation is where the annotation pipeline is specified. It can either be the name of a pipeline described in the gpf config (using the gpf_pipeline argument), path to a file describing the pipeline or an embedded annotation pipeline.

destination describes where generated parquet files will be imported. This section could be the name of a storage defined in the gpf instance or an embedded storage config. If only storage_type is specified then parquet files will be generated for the particular storage type but will NOT be imported anywhere. This is useful for just generating parquet files without actually importing them.

Working with the Import Tools CLI

To import a study first you would need the import configuration as described above. To run import tools with the config file execute:

import_tools import_config.yaml

To list the steps that will be executed without actually executing them:

import_tools import_config.yaml list

import_tools has a number of parameters. Run with –help to see them. One commonly used one is -j which specifies the number of tasks to run in parallel.

Running on a SGE cluster

import_tools import_config.yaml run --sge -j 100

This command will run import tools on a SGE cluster using 100 parallel workers. This assumes a preconfigured, working SGE cluster. The import_config.yaml file should be placed on a shared file system that can be accessed by all nodes in the cluster.

Running on a Kubernetes cluster

Running on kubernetes is a little bit more involved because typically nodes in the cluster don’t share a common file system and the machine where we run import_tools is usually not part of the cluster. So the import process needs a common storage that can be access both by the nodes in the cluster and the machine where import tools is run from. The easiest way to achieve this is by using S3.

The best setup is to place the import configuration on S3 together will the input data. Accessing S3 (and other AWS services) usually happends through an access and secret keys. Assuming these keys are already configured in the corresponding environment variables we can run import tools like that:

import_tools s3://bucket/import_config.yaml run --kubernetes --envvars AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --image-pull-secrets seqpipe-registry-cred -j 20

The environment variables specified by –envvars will be propagated to the worker pods so that the workers can access S3. The –image-pull-secrets specifies a kubernetes secret that should contain the credentials used for accessing the seqpipe docker registry from which the images for the worker pods will be pulled from. And -j specifies that 20 workers should be started.

If using a non-AWS S3 such as a ceph storage, the endpoint url can be specified using the S3_ENDPOINT_URL environment variable:

S3_ENDPOINT_URL= import_tools s3://bucket/import_config.yaml run --kubernetes --envvars AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY --image-pull-secrets seqpipe-registry-cred -j 20

Example of import_project.yaml from existing schema2 parquet files

NOTE: This fails for now, but we will soon repair it.

id: whole_exome_ten_families_BQ

  parquet_dataset_dir: ./whole_exome_ten_families

  storage_id: ivan_BIGQUERY

Example of import_project.yaml for creating schema2 parquet files

NOTE: Soon, we will change the storage_type to the more appropriate ‘schema2’.

id: whole_exome_ten_families
    file: collection.ped

    - transmission.vcf.gz
    denovo_mode: denovo

      chromosomes: ['autosomes']
      region_length: 100M
    storage_type: duckdb