Phenotype Data

Pheno DB access

Example usage of PhenoDB

To access a pheno DB you need to import DAE and use a factory object named pheno:

In [1]: from DAE import pheno

In [2]: pheno.get_pheno_db_names()
Out[2]: ['ssc', 'vip', 'spark', 'agre']

In [3]: phdb = pheno.get_pheno_db('agre')

The result of get_pheno_db is an instance of PhenoDB class. This is the main class that provides access to the phenotype database.

To access values of given measure use:

In [8]: df = phdb.get_measure_values_df('ADOS21.CSB9')
In [9]: df.head()
  person_id  ADOS21.CSB9
0  AU011105          1.0
1  AU014005          2.0
2  AU015904          2.0
3  AU024704          2.0
4  AU025005          1.0

You can get a data frame with value for multiple measures by using:

In [12]: df = phdb.get_values_df(['ADOS21.CSB9', 'Raven1.B12'])
In [13]: df.head()
  person_id  ADOS21.CSB9  Raven1.B12
0  AU011105          1.0         5.0
1  AU014005          2.0        -1.0
2  AU015904          2.0         NaN
3  AU024704          2.0         NaN
4  AU025005          1.0        -1.0

To access data for individuals in the database use:

In [10]: psdf = phdb.get_persons_df()
In [11]: psdf.head()
    person_id family_id      role    gender             status
 0  AU2275201    AU2275  Gender.M  Status.unaffected
 1  AU2275202    AU2275  Gender.F  Status.unaffected
 2  AU2275301    AU2275  Role.prb  Gender.M    Status.affected
 3  AU2275302    AU2275  Role.sib  Gender.M    Status.affected
 4  AU0966201    AU0966  Gender.M  Status.unaffected

You can access individuals and measures values as a joined data frame by using get_persons_values_df:

In [17]: df = phdb.get_persons_values_df(['ADIR1.EHFMAN', 'Raven1.B12'])
In [18]: df.head()
    person_id family_id      role    gender           status  \
2   AU2275301    AU2275  Role.prb  Gender.M  Status.affected
3   AU2275302    AU2275  Role.sib  Gender.M  Status.affected
6   AU0966301    AU0966  Role.prb  Gender.M  Status.affected
7   AU0966302    AU0966  Role.sib  Gender.M  Status.affected
10  AU0965301    AU0965  Role.prb  Gender.M  Status.affected

    ADIR1.EHFMAN  Raven1.B12
2            3.0         5.0
3            0.0         5.0
6            2.0        -1.0
7            2.0        -1.0
10           1.0        -1.0

Classes and Functions